Our Antiques Are the items displayed on this web site authentic?
Absolutely. Stillwell House Antiques guarantees that all representations made regarding the age, origin, condition, and other attributes of our gallery items are true and accurate. We stand behind our antiques and our expertise without exception.
What do the words "period" and "style" mean in item descriptions? "Period" furniture was produced during the period in which the style evolved. Furniture that is of a certain "style" was made later.
Can we send you a catalog of our antiques? Unfortunately, the nature of our business makes it impractical to maintain a paper catalog. That is to say, in the time it would take to produce and mail such a catalog, many of the items depicted therein would have already been sold and new ones would have been acquired. If you want to know what we have, just ask us, visit our (real-world) gallery, or browse our online gallery
Our Services
Does Stillwell House Antiques offer restoration services? Stillwell House Antiques can provide professional restoration services at your request. We work exclusively with master craftsmen who understand and respect the beauty of fine antiques. Great care is taken at all times to maintain the integrity of the piece and to minimize the effect of restoration upon its value.
Do you offer appraisals over the Internet? No. As professional antique dealers, we stake our reputations and, therefore, our livelihoods on every representation we make regarding the authenticity or other qualities of antiques we appraise. Our customers need to be able to rely upon us to get it right every time or we're out of business.
As a result, we simply can't afford to be wrong - we need to see items in person to give them the consideration they deserve and require.
Can we help you with travel and lodging arrangements? We would love to make your visit to our gallery a pleasant one. To that end, we can recommend local hotels and will gladly pick you up when you arrive in New Jersey - just contact us to let us know you're coming!
Transaction Details
How do we ship your purchases to you? We ship your purchases to you worldwide via air and/or land depending on your location. All shipments are fully insured, professionally packed and crated, and typically arrive within ten to twelve business days of receipt of payment.
How much will shipping cost? Shipping costs vary by weight, size, and destination, but are quite reasonable. To provide an estimate, we need to know which item(s) are to be shipped and the destination city and (if in the United States) the zip code.
What are our payment terms? We accept checks, cash, credit cards, and wire transfers. We require payment in full before items are shipped.
Our Web Site
What is our Privacy Policy? We use the information you supply through this web site solely to reply to your requests. Your information is never sold or shared, and you will never receive junk e-mail ("spam") as a result of providing information through this web site. If (and only if) you choose to join our mailing list, we will occasionally send you information about new shipments, special acquisitions and events.
Is Stillwell House Antiques willing to build reciprocal links to other antique-related web sites? We welcome reciprocal links with related sites that offer quality content to our visitors. If you'd like your site to be linked here, just send e-mail to our webmaster at geri@eznetwebsites.com to make arrangements.