Volume I - Issue XII - December 2001
Website Promotion in the "Real World"
David Mortenson
Editior, EZ-NetAdvantage
In the past several issues of EZ-NetAdvantage!, we have sought to bring you important information to help you learn to better promote your websites. We have talked about what not to do, preparing your promotion strategy, optimizing for search engines, and more. Now, we are going to see how these things apply in the real world.

A Case Study
Enter Jason Averill of LDSImports.com. Jason has been very successful selling scripture covers that he imports from South America. His covers are specially made to fit the scriptures used by members of the LDS Church, and he has been most successful distributing his covers wholesale to LDS bookstores. In fact, earlier this year, Jason made the decision to close his "Brick and Mortar" retail location to focus more on the wholesale aspect of his business.

Jason still wants to retail his covers via the Internet, however. Although he has had his site (LDSImports.com) up for over one year now, it doesn't bring him much business. When he first created the site, Jason submitted it to all of the search engines and directories but had no success in being listed. Virtually all of his few Internet sales have come through reciprocal linking with a few LDS specific directories. He tells me that he is at a point of deciding that the site has to start producing sales or giving it up as not being worth maintaining.

Let's Hear From You
Jason has a unique product with a very specific target market. It seems like an ideal product to put on the Internet, yet he hasn't had any real success with his site. What do you think? What could he do? Over the next few issues, we will be helping Jason change his site to make it more search engine friendly. Also, we will help him to promote his site through the techniques mentioned in previous issues.

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