Appropriate answers from a technology integrator.
Guidelines to the 5 Questions
John Elway talks about the Vantage system.
Home Technology Integrator with architect
Home Technology Integrator with builder
LiteTouch Lifeline

Consider the following in reference to the 5 questions to ask your builder regarding the technology to be built into your home or building.

1.  What technologies will improve my enjoyment of my home as well as increase the value of my home?

Homes equipped with the infrastructure that supports the technologies listed below sell faster and for more money.  Structured Wiring is the infrastructure or backbone which support current technologies.

A properly designed and installed structured wiring system will allow the following systems to be added as budgets allow. Modern electrical systems work best if they're properly designed from the start. Common wiring by an electrician does not support current technology!

Current technologies that are popular modern homes include:

  •       Broadband Internet Connectivity
  •         Audio and Video Distribution
  •         High Quality Theater Systems
  •         Video Teleconferencing
  •         Facility Wide Network Connectivity
  •         Energy Management
  •         Automation
  •         Integrated Telephone Systems
  •         Integrated Security Systems
  •         Audio and Media Servers
  •         Video Over Twisted Pair
  •         HDTV
  •         Acoustically Optimized Listening
  •         Optimized Viewing Environments


2.  To see that these features are properly incorporated, do you work with a professional System Integration company?

Just as a builder relies on specialists like plumbers to install the plumbing systems and electricians to install the Electrical or High Voltage systems like power outlets, lights and switches, it is imperative he use a System Integration specialist to design and install the Electronic or Low Voltage systems.

You would be concerned if he had the electrician install the sinks and toilets.   When it comes to the design and installation of most electronic systems, it is best to involve a professional System Integrator.


3. What are the qualifications and background of the System Integrator that you use?

At dBTronix we not only understand the technology, we eat, breath, and sleep it.  We exert considerable effort to stay up to date with current and emerging technologies so that we can provide the best solution for each client’s particular situation and needs.

Feel confident with answers from an integrator.

We know what works.  Our extensive experience brings together a suite of products that "work and play well together."  

The dBTronix engineering skills allow us to design and install products that work together seamlessly as a single unified system.  Together, our skills and experience will provide the most effective attributes that can be built into a new home.  We specialize in quality and long-term reliability. We work with homeowners who want the best.  

4.  Is the System Integrator brought in early in the project and when do meet with him?

By getting dBTronix involved early in the design phase of the project it will be possible   to incorporate system attributes which facilitate future upgrades.  Early involvement also insures that the necessary structural elements are included to support your dream system, especially if it will be brought on line gradually as budgets allow. You'll get the biggest bang for your buck if we're involved from the beginning.

The knowledgeable staff at dBTronix will help guide you through the process of defining needs and selecting the appropriate products.  It is our aim meet your needs in a way that is reliable, complete and simple to use.

If you're not anticipating a new home, but still want the advantages of System Integration, we can also help with retro-fit remodels.


5. Does the System Integrator you work with provide detailed design drawings to support the systems they install?

A professional System Integrator will work with you to develop a design which meets your needs.  They will provide you with a design that includes detailed drawings and diagrams of the system that shows how it is put together.  The design process adds significant value to the system and makes it maintainable.  Designing and installing reliable, easy to use systems that add real quality to your lifestyle and value to your home, is the trademark of dBTronix.