Emergency Assistance

Services offered by the Rape Response & Crime Victim Center are available twenty-four hours a day.

Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Office phone: 522-7016 or 1-888-522-7016
Twenty-four hour hot line numbers: 521-6018 or 521-6246

Victim Financial and Treatment Choices

If a victim is reporting the crime to law enforcement and cooperating with prosecution, the State of Idaho has a program called Victim's Compensation. It will pay the costs of the medication and the testing and treatment that aren't covered by insurance. If the victim does not cooperate with prosecution, Victim's Compensation cannot pay these bills. Contact your local hospital or the Rape Response & Crime Center for an application form.

If the victim is certain they don't want to press charges and they don't have insurance, then alternatives to testing at the hospital might be considered.
The District VII Health Department will conduct these tests and can give prescriptions to rape victims.

District VII Health Department
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Phone Number: 522-0310

A victim could also go to their own doctor for many of these tests and prescriptions, but most doctors prefer that patients go to the hospital or health department.