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Danny's made his first speaking debut at age 16, when he was selected to make a presentation to an audience estimated at more than a thousand people, to honor Fred Loock, the CEO of the Allen Bradley, the largest corporation in Wisconsin.

Fred Loock was a major benefactor for Camp Fred Loock, a conservation camp where Danny worked, and received awards for inspiring performance and actions taken during an emergency.

During his time in the United States Marine Corps, Danny continued to develop his songwriting and performance skills, playing local venues in Southern California.

Danny also performed at official Marine Corps events, the Orange County Fair, the San Franciso USO and Bob Hope USO in Hollywood.

After 3 years of service, Danny left the Marine Corps with the Rank of Sergeant, a Letter of Recommendation from his Lieutenant and Letter of Commendation from the Colonel.

Eventhough he had received an offer to take two of his songs to Nashville, Danny's pragmatic side opted for a career in Electronics, Systems Engineering and Software Development, while earning his College Degree in Science and Mathematics.

Danny's career moved into Consulting, Business Management and Sales. In his conventional career, Danny has worked directly with Engineers, Scientists, Attorneys, CPA's Healthcare Professionals, on the front line, and at the executive level of Fortune 500 Corporations.

At the same time, Danny has continued to write songs that feed the soul and seeks depth.

This is what Danny brings to your event: Experience gained in the crucible of everyday life, seasoned with a variety of professional and personal experience, topped with words and music that brings keynote speaking to the next level.
Grounded in a career in Systems Engineering and Software Development, Daniel has provided solutions to an array of Fortune 500 Companies and government

Eager to expand, Daniel has grown into other capacities in Management, Consulting, and Speaking.

Underlying his tradition career path, Daniel has been writing and performing original songs before his career began.

Always a seeker, Daniel digs deep to uncover the essence, to discover meaning and reveal a solution that he can share with others through spoken word and original song.
