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Speaking Debut at Age Sixteen

T-Shirt from Camp Fred Loock
At age 16, Danny was selected to speak before an audience of more than a thousand people, honoring the retiring President of The Allen-Bradley Company, largest corporation in Wisconsin.

Danny received an award for Best Ceremony, and a second award for Taking Action in a Difficult Situation at Camp Fred Loock, the conservation camp bearing the president's name, Fred Loock.

Music Director at Age Sixteen

By age 16, Danny became Music Director at St. Marcus Lutheran Church, where he Taught Sunday School, Directed the Children's Choir and Sang on Sundays. Danny had already written some songs and played at a local coffee shop.
St. Marcus Church

Danny Performs in the Marine Corps

Daniel Szeremet
Bob Hope USO
Danny joined the Marine Corps at Age 19.

During his service, Danny graduated First in his Class. was meritoriously promoted, and ascended rapidly through the ranks.

After speaking and performing a song he wrote to honor the volunteers at the Bob Hope USO, Danny was featured on the Front Page of the base newspaper at El Toro MCAS.

That same year, Danny was elected "Valentine King" by the female volunteers at the USO, and appeared on Los Angeles Television.

Danny continued to speak and and perform at the Bob Hope USO., the San Francisco USO, the Orange County Fair, Marine Corps events and local venues.

Danny submitted one of his songs to The American Song Festival and placed in the Top 4% of that international songwriters' competition.

When Danny played that song for Rose, he won her heart.

After 3 years of service, Danny left the Marine Corps with the Rank of Sergeant, a Letter of Recommendation from his Lieutenant, and a Letter of Commendation from the Colonel.

Danny and Rose
Mi Corazon

A Career of Insatiable Curiousity

Trained in computer programming and digital electronics, Danny's pragmatic side opted for a traditional career, which offered opportunities to apply his skills in a variety of industries including Engineering, Healthcare, Accounting, Business Operations, Legal Case Management, Commercial Aircraft, Aerospace, Entertainment and more.

The best part of Danny's career was meeting with people from all walks of life and from around the world. Danny has worked with Engineers, Attorneys, CPA's, Management.

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Danny's pragmatic side opted for a typical career, where he chose a career in Digital Electronic, Software Development and Systems Engineering, while he earned a Degree in Science, and Mathematics, and graduated with Honors.

After which Danny shifted his career to consulting for Fortune 500 Corporations, providing Corporate Legal Solutions for Operations, Management and Board Level Executives.

Accepting an offer from a multi-million dollar corporation in the Healthcare industry, Danny served as Director of Business Operations and Finance, overseeing a parent corporation and it's two subsidiaries, reconciling three General Ledgers, and reporting directly to The Board of Director, The Federal Government, and The State of Texas as a Certified Cost Reporter.

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Ready to relax from the highly concentrative work for most of his career, and having been intrigued by the Sales Process, Danny decided on a new career in Sales where he spoke with group audiences and individuals from every walk of life. Danny enjoyed the Sales facet of his career for nearly a decade.

In his conventional career, Danny has provided solutions for a variety of industries, including Engineering, Healthcare, Insurance, Defense, Legal, Accounting, Entertainment and Leisure, for Aerospace Engineers, NASA Scientists, Corporate Attorneys, CPA's, Programmers, Management, members in the International Airline Community, and the average person from every walk of Life.

At the same time, Danny has continued to write songs that seek depth, feed the soul, and brings forth a message important to individuals, groups and humanity.

In a blend of speech, humor, and live music, Danny brings education and entertainment to your Keynote event, with experience gained in the crucible of life, seasoned with a variety of professional and personal experiences, and topped with words and music that brings keynote speaking to the next level.
