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Tapping Incredible Power!
Within each of us, there exists a power that shapes our life and our future. Discover how to tap into this incredible "hidden" power. Remove obstracles. Improve efficiency. Increase productivity. Build better relationships. Live better. Move beyond everyday patterns and limiting beliefs.

Conduct Your Life Like a Maestro
Life is a beautiful event, that can be enjoyable and fulfilling in so many ways. Life can also present challenges that can test our character, abilities, and significantly influence our success.

Find out how Danny used incredible power when confronted by a supposed gang member and how the encounter ended in an amazing and unexpected way that demonstrated undeniable goodwill in the end.

Hear about the time when darkness itself seemed to enter the boarding area at LAX airport, then sat next to Danny for a three-and-a-half hour flight. A true story of transformation. By the end of that flight, the woman thanked Danny for the best flight she had ever taken and declared a new perspective. The blessings that followed were mind blowing!

How does one get stuck in a traffic jam in Southern California and end up in Hawaii? A fun and interesting story that validates the power we have at our disposal.

Overcoming Intimidation and Set Your Agenda
Practical Ways to overcome intimidation in your Career and Personal Life.

Discover What Is Holding You Back
Searching for the cause of your setbacks.

Breaking Into to Your Own Success
Practical Ways to overcome intimidation in your Career and Personal Life. A Story of Ascension.
