Volume IV - Issue IV - September 2004
EZ-Upload Available for Beta Testing
Joseph West
Vice President
Upload More Files With Fewer Clicks. Upload Files Larger Than 4 Megabytes.


If you have ever uploaded a number of files into your EZ-NetTools account at one time, you probably quickly tired of clicking your mousing. The new EZ-Upload tool makes that experience something of the past. With EZ-Upload, you click on your files, click on the destination, click go and your done.


Many hosting companies allow a program called FTP (meaning File Transfer Protocol) to upload files to their servers. It works very well and is fairly simple to use. The problem is that it is a hackers dream. Any hosting company that allows FTP has an enormous security exposure. Since EZ-NetTools hosts e-commerce transactions, we could not allow that.

Regardless of the reasons why FTP was not allowed on EZ-NetTools servers, it was still painful to upload many files. For a different reason (I will not explain here) you were also limited on the size of file you could upload to 4 megabytes.

EZ-Upload solves both of those problems.

Description of EZ-Upload

Like FTP, EZ-Upload requires that you download a small program and an icon onto your personal computer. This is a very simple process. Once the program is on your computer, you follow these steps.

  • you click on the icon on your computer desktop to activate the program.
  • Select the target directory where you want the files
  • Select the files that you want to upload from your PC.
  • Click the arrow button in the middle of the page. All the files are uploaded. As the files are being uploaded, you will see a status bar displaying the progress.

You can upload a large number of files and files that are large. You no longer have the 4 megabyte limit to uploads.

EZ-Upload is an additional feature. We will continue support the older version of the upload since for uploading single files it is still pretty efficient.

This is a "Beta" version

We have called this first version of EZ-Upload a beta version because we do not have all the pieces that are not yet complete, including the help text. We have planned for several feature enhancements to follow. However, because the basic functionality is so useful, we wanted to make it available as soon as we could. The small program that is downloaded onto your computer has been thoroughly tested. I use it regularly, especially when I am loading photos into my photo album.

You can down load the beta version from the EZ-NetTools help site. Click here to download the program to your desk top.


Those of us who use EZ-NetTools extensively, are very excited about this new tools. I have really enjoyed using various versions for the last three months. I am sure you will like it too.