Catalog Configuration Features

The graphic below shows the catalog configuration system. The layout has been changed to accommodate the large number of configuration options that are available. EZ-Catalog has many defaults that will allow your catalog to function without making any configuration changes. If you are pleased with the "classic" layout, you do not need to change anything on these pages. If you want to customize your pages to fit your other web pages, this is where you can make these changes.

As mentioned above, there are defaults already established for how the catalog pages will look. You can override these defaults at several levels. For example, with the catalog Basic Appearance you can override options for font colors that your have specified in your Global Information configuration. Options that you specify in the Category or shopping cart configuration will override both the Basic Appearance configuration and the Global Information.

As you move from page to page in the Catalog configuration the system will save your selections in a working file. You will be able to leave and come back to these options at a later date. When you are ready to make the changes live, you just need to save the configuration to make your working file the production file.

Catalog Configuration

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