Individual Products Page

The graphic below shows the single product page. Prior to this release the only way to get such a page was to create one using EZ-Pagebuilder and the shopping cart block.

Initially, this page may not seem like such an important upgrade. However, with this upgrade, the possibility now exists to create a custom layout for the individual product page. For the classic layout, we made the individual page look very similar to the category layout. The individual page could look very different. As we develop more layouts, this flexibility will become more evident.

The individual product page will also play an important part in the new search features.

In the future, we also plan to add additional features such as complementary and alternative products. We will develop a layout that will allow you to indicate products that are associated with the individual products. For example, on a page promoting pants, you could list some belts that would compliment the pants.

Individual pages

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