Model Sites/ EZ-SiteDuplicator
We developed several pre-build websites we call “Model Sites” that are already created with EZ-NetTools. Model sites benefit our resellers by making it easy to create professional websites. You can copy entire websites with the click of a button!

This can also help your sales efforts if you show some samples of the pre-built websites to your clients. If they like one, its an easy sale.

To make it possible to copy the model sites, we developed a replication feature called EZ-SiteDuplicator. This tool is simple to use!

To use this powerful tool, log-into your reseller account (D******) by typing in your reseller account number and password.

From the main reseller menu, click on the EZ-SiteDuplicator link.

View the sites available by clicking on the "View Available Sites" link. Then, click the dropdown menu and select from the list of sites one that you would like to view, then click the Preview Button. A new window will open displaying the website you selected.

Close the preview window and click on the Return Button.

Click on the "Duplicate a Site" link, select a site to copy and click on the duplicate button.


Duplicate and deactivate one account.

Again, you will not be billed for the sites which are activated as long as you deactivate them within 30 days.