Frequent Questions from New Resellers

Q. What support do I receive?
ICServ provides free EZ-NetTools™ technical support to all resellers and their clients.

Resellers are invited to participate in one (or more) of our training and marketing programs (like this launch program). These programs are designed to help propel our new resellers into their new business venture.

You also have a Reseller Support Representative who will be able to give you personal guidence through these programs and other activities that we may provide.

Finally, the ICServ Design team is a group of graphic artists and website designers that are available if you want to subcontract some or all of your web design work. This way if you get too busy selling or just want help building your first web sites, you can feel comfortable that you will have complete support from professional graphic artists and websites designers.

Q. How do I make money?
There are many ways people can make money as an Internet consultant.
You can make money by:
· Consulting with clients.
· Building website for clients.
· Selling EZ-NetTools™ accounts.
· Providing training seminars for companies who use the EZ-NetTools™ system.

As you build websites and open more EZ-NetTools™ accounts, you also build a monthly residual income. The more sites you open, the higher the monthly income becomes.

Although these are the most common ways that an EZ-NetTools™ reseller can make money, you are only limited to your imagination and ability to create other money making opportunities.

Q. How does the hosting cost compare?
This is the most frequently asked question. As a reseller, you will be asked this question hundreds of times. Here is a word of warning. Be careful how you answer this.

EZ-NetTools™ is not a host! The EZ-NetTools™ technology integrates web development tools, e-commerce, and website promotional tools. Hosting is simply included at no additional cost.

To help separate ourselves from the plethora of hosting companies, we suggest you promote EZ-NetTools by offering free hosting.

By stating that hosting is free with an EZ-NetTools™ account, the question will arise: What is EZ-NetTools™ then? That is the question you want to answer so you can talk about the unique form of online software we call hostware. Then you can explain the difference.

Because of the integration of the EZ-NetTools™ solution is much less expensive than having to purchase all of the components separately and the monthly fee's are competative to hosting companies which provide secure hosting but don't integrate anything. The integration of EZ-NetTools™ is a huge benefit!

Q. What is the quickest way to learn how to use EZ-NetTools™?
There are a lot of good ways to learn EZ-NetTools. Probably the quickest way to learn EZ-NetTools is the hands on training provided by ICServ in our retreats. However, that is not always practical.

The Quick Start Guide located in the Resources section of any X***** account in your inventory is a great place to get started. We suggest you follow the Quick Start Guide and then start building a few pages.

Another way is to open a model site and see how we put those websites together. You can play around with the site and as long as you deactivate the account before the 30 days pass, there is no charge for the account.

You may also use our design team to build the first few websites you sell and learn from them as they create the sites.

How ever you start, the customer support team is available to answer your questions as you learn EZ-NetTools.

Q. How reliable is the EZ-NetTools system™?
The EZ-NetTools™ system uses advanced technology which clusters a group of server computers. This way the system doesn’t depend exclusively on one single computer. The servers are connected to battery back-ups with a power generator on standby in case of emergency. We proudly boast above 99.99% uptime.

Q. How do I make good looking graphics like on the model sites?
To design custom graphics, we suggest you use Ulead Photo Impact if you are new to graphic design. Photo Impact is a solid graphics package that prepares (optimizes) photos and graphics for the Web.

Advanced users will usually use Adobe Photoshop or an equivalent software of preference.

Q. How often do you upgrade EZ-NetTools™ and how much are the upgrades?
Upgrades happen several times a week but not all of them are noticeable to the end user. We don’t currently charge for system enhancements and there are no plans to charge for them in the future.

Q. If I already have a website can I convert it into EZ-NetTools™?
Yes, there are two ways to do this. First you can upload the graphic and html files using our EZ-FileManager™ feature.

Second, you can upload the graphics and use EZ-PageBuilder™ to quickly rebuild the pages.

Q. Will you help me with my own EZ-NetTools™ Reseller website?
Absolutely! When you sign up as an EZ-NetTools™ Reseller, the system automatically generates a website for you. You simply modify the site as little or as much as you want.

If your website does not have the current model site we have created, you can copy it using the EZ-SiteDuplicator™ feature.

Our customer support representatives will help you with any technical questions as you modify the site.

This is all free of charge. However, if you would like us to develop a customized website, our design team can get you a wholesale quote to design your site.

Q. Where do you see the future of the Internet?
The rapid growth of the Internet has caused a phenomenal impact in business. Now that the market has corrected and stable companies like ours remain standing, businesses are finding new ways to use the Web.

In fact, even with a soft economy, online purchasing continues to climb, the Internet population continues to excalate and more business are going online all of the time.

Websites and e-commerce are becoming as much of a necessity in business as a business card or letterhead. As we continue to add features to EZ-NetTools™, the Internet becomes even more beneficial to businesses across the world.