Standard Type Faces This page simply lists the true-type fonts that ship with windows 95 and shows examples of all in 12-point type. |
Abadi MT Condensed Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold Abadi MT Condensed Light Albertus Extra Bold Albertus Medium Aldine 721 BT Algerian Amazone BT American uncial Andy Antique Olive Arial Arial Black Arial MT Black Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Augsburger Initials Baskerville Old Face Bauhaus 93 Beesknees ITC Benguiat Frisky |
Bernard MT Condensed Bertram Blackadder ITC Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Bradley hand ITC Braggadocio Britannic Bold Broadway Brush Script MT BrushScript BT Calisto MT Castellar Cataneo BT Century Gothic CG Omega CG Times Challenge Extra Bold Chiller Clarendon condensed ClassGarmnd BT |
Comic Sans MS Cooper Black Cooper Md BT Copperplate Gothic Bold Copperplate Gothic Light Coronet Courier New Curlz MT DellaRobbia BT Desdemona DomCasual BT Edda Edwardian Script ITC ElegaGarmnd BT Elephant English 157 BT Enviro Eras Demi ITC Eras Ultra ITC Eurostile |
Felix Titling Formal436 BT Forte Freehand575 BT Freehand591 BT Freestyle Script French Script MT Futura Md BT Garamond Georgia Gigi Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold Gill Sans Ultra Bold Glowworm Goudy Old Style Goudy Stout Gradl Graphite Lite Haettenschweiler Harlow Solid Italic Harrington Impact Imprint MT Shadow Informal Roman Jokerman |
Juice ITC Kaufmann Bd BT Kino MT Kristen ITC Kunstler Script Letter Gothic Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Casual Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Unicode Maiandra GD {the map symbols type font contains only special characters} Marigold {the marlett type font contains only special characters} matisse ITC Matura MT Script Capitals {the Mediascape OSD Icon type font contains only special characters} Mercurius Script MT Bold {the Milestones type font contains only special characters} |
Minion Web Mistral Modern No. 20 Monotype Corsiva {the Monotype Sorts and Monotype Sorts 2 fonts which contain all special characters} Monotype.com {the MS Outlook font contains only special characters} {the MS Reference 1 and Reference 2 fonts contain special characters used in document references} Murray Hill BD BT Nadianne OCRB Old English Old English Text MT OldDreadfulNo7 BT Onyx Palace Script MT Papyrus Parade Parchment Party Pepita MT Perpetua |
Perpetua Titling MT Placard Condensed Playbill Pompeii Capitals Poor Richard Poster Bodoni Pristina Rage Italic Ransom Rockwell Rockwell Extra Bold Runic MT Condensed Script MT Bold |
Signet Roundhand Snap ITC Stencil Stop {the Symbol font contains only special characters} Tahoma Tango BT Tempus Sans ITC Theatre Antoine Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Tw Cen MT Tw Cen MT Condensed |
Univers Univers Condensed UniverstyRoman Bd BT VAGRounded BT Verdana Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vladimir Script {the Webdings font contains only special characters} Wide Latin Windsor LtCn BT {the Wingdings, Wingdings 2 and Wingdings 3 fonts which contain all special characters} |