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A Professional Website On YOUR Terms! 

At EZ-NetTools we work with you to make your website a success!  Fill out the form below to find out how we can make YOUR website successful!

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The Process

  1. Consultation A sales consultant will discuss ideas and prices for your website.  We can build a website for you to fit your needs and your budget.
  2. Design Call A Project Manager or Graphic Designer will call you regarding the look and feel of your website.  You may have specific ideas in mind, or our design team will suggest various options for you.
  3. Design After The Design call, a graphic designer will create an image of what your site will look like.  You can then request revisions, or give your approval to build the final website.
  4. Build Once the design is approved, we go to build.  This is where we make your website functional, and build the various pages that will go in your website.  You can also request build revisions after all pages are complete.