Special Programs
to the Department of Special Programs!
Department of Special Programs is here to assist with the administration,
coordination and implementation of a variety of school district programs and
initiatives including instructional services and support for students in PK up
to eighth grade district wide. In order to effectively lead, support, and
coordinate the variety of programs, Special Programs staff work with district
staff, administrators, directors, principals, teachers, parents and students as
I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial
assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers
or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that
all children meet challenging state academic standards.
II provides funds to LEAs in order to increase student academic achievement
through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and
increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly
qualified principals and assistant principals in schools and hold LEAs and
schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement.
III provides funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality,
institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions which
may include remedial education and English language instruction.
In accordance with federal and state laws,
SER-Niños Charter School System provides special education services to
students who have been evaluated with a full, individual evaluation (FIE) and
determined by an Admissions, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee to meet the
Texas Education Agency (TEA) eligibility criteria as having a qualifying
disability condition and to need specialized instruction to receive a free and
appropriate education (FAPE) in the student’s least restrictive environment
Section 504 is a federal law that protects students with
disabilities from being discriminated against at school. The SER-Niños 504
program is in place to give“qualified disabled persons” the same
opportunities as students without disabilities who go to school. The school
does this through a reasonable accommodation
or modification. The law defines a “qualified disabled person” as having “a
physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity”
such as walking, learning, hearing, seeing, breathing, etc.
Providing Assistance to Students Who Have Learning
Difficulties or Need Special Education Services
If a student is
experiencing learning difficulties, his or her parent may contact the person
listed below to learn about the district’s overall general education referral
or screening system for support services. This system links students to a
variety of support options, including making a referral for a special education
evaluation. For those students who are having difficulty in the regular
classroom, schools must consider tutorial, compensatory, and other academic or
behavior support services that are available to all students, including a
process based on Response to Intervention (RtI). The implementation of RtI has
the potential to have a positive impact on the ability of districts to meet the
needs of all struggling students.
At any time, a parent
is entitled to request an evaluation for special education services.
Within 15 days, SER-Niños open enrollment charter school must respond to the
parent’s request. If an evaluation if needed, SER-Niños must provide parent
with consent forms. Once informed consent is received, SER-Niños must complete
the evaluation and the report within 45 school days of the date the school
receives the written consent. The district must give a copy of the evaluation
report to the parent.
If the district
determines that the evaluation is not needed, the district will provide the
parent with prior written notice that explains why the child will not be
evaluated. This written notice will include a statement that informs the
parents their rights, if they disagree with the district. The district is
required to give parents the Notice of
Procedural Safeguards–
Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities. Additional information
regarding special education is available from the school district in a
companion document titled Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal
The following websites provide
information to those who are seeking information and resources specific to
students with disabilities and their families.
·Texas Project First
·Partners Resource Network
Useful Links
Who to
contactwithin the Department of Special Programs:
RegardingTitle I, Title II,
or Title III
Phone: (713) 592-6055
Special Education or 504
Dr. Sandra
Special Education Director/504 Coordinator
Phone: (713) 592-6055