ABBA Enterprises
Current Special

For the first ten new customers, we will drop the monthly Hosting Fee to $49.95 for up to two years and will wave all Activation Fees for the first contract. This is up to a $980 savings. Sign up for an Indefinite contract and you will never have to pay the Activation Fee. And remember that the contract actually starts after the first month, which is free. Should you choose not to continue after the first month, you may discontinue with no questions asked and will owe nothing. We will even let you wait until the end of the first month to decide whether you want a Six Month, a One Year, or an Indefinite contract.
The website comes complete with tools for design and promotion. No HTML is needed. If you can point and click, you can design and promote your new website yourself.
You can have ABBA Enterprises design and maintain your website for only an additional $25.00/month. Website promotion is also available for only $20.00/month more.
If you choose a Six Month or One Year contract, you will need to sign a new contract at the end of that period. But ABBA Enterprises will only be charging a $30 Activation Fee on that contract, just as if you had already paid larger Activation Fee on the first contract. Now fill out the form below and add as much information as possible about your needs in the comment section and you will be contacted about getting your website started.

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