Volume I - Issue III - March 2001
Member Spotlight
Our member spotlight for the month falls on Tack-Wholesale.com. This website consistently generates large numbers of hits and receives about 350 emails per day. Their visitors aren't just window shopping either. Tack-Wholesale is almost always on our top 10 list for total sales. For example, the site received 199 orders in December alone, with revenues well into the 5 figure mark.

So who is the entrepreneurial genius behind this site's success? I decided to do some investigating. I called the site's contact person, and asked him a little about what makes this site work so well. He was understandably reluctant about revealing his method for attracting such large numbers of hits. However, he did say that such success did not come without it's price. At first, the company was spending upwards of $1200.00 per month to drive traffic to the site. Obviously that investment paid off many times over.

I asked him why they chose to enter into this very specialized market. I was somewhat surprised at his response. "My daughter actually started the business," he said. At 15 1/2, she asked her father to buy her a car. As many parents do, he denied her request and suggested that she come up with a way to earn her own money. When she asked him what she could do, Shal suggested that she start up a website. His daughter took the idea and ran with it. She investigated the different markets that were available to her and found a need in Tack and other supplies for horse owners. She also looked into many different solutions to get online. This search led her to a local EZ-NetTools™ reseller.

The small industry started by a high-schooler in her family's garage is now so large that it has several employees and has outgrown more than one facility. "She could now buy a car every month!" says her obviously proud father.

According to its owners, the secret to the site's success is in selecting a unique market. They found a product that a certain group wanted and had difficulty finding at reasonable prices. Additionally, much time, effort and resources were spent on site promotion.

While his best secrets wisely remain undisclosed, the owners of the unique site have shown us that desire coupled with the right market and the right Internet solution definitely lead to success!