Volume I - Issue IV - April 2001
From the Editor
Meet Joseph West
David Mortensen
Editor, EZ-NetAdvantage!
Joseph West is the Executive Vice President of ICServ, but that one title encompasses many job descriptions for him. Primarily, his tasks include directing ICServ's financials and enhancements and upgrades to EZ-NetTools™. Joseph took the time to help us understand ICServ's financial position and the future of EZ-NetTools™.

The Company
"Right now, dealing with the accounting takes up more of my time than I'd like. Remember, in October, we went from billing several companies to billing thousands of resellers.

"That's been a real chore for me, but we've brought some good people in, and hopefully that will start to take some of those responsibilities off my shoulders."

Besides dealing with billing, Joseph keeps a close eye on the balance sheet. "We are a solvent company. We take in more than we spend. That's more than a lot of the high tech companies like Amazon.com and the others can say. It would be important for our resellers to know that we are a stable company and that we're not going away."

The rest of Joseph's time is spent managing the research and development of EZ-NetTools™. "I deal with bugs, enhancements, and development of new programs like the recently released EZ-SiteDuplicator™ and EZ-Directory."

Every week, Joseph leads a meeting in which all bug reports and enhancement requests are reviewed and priorities are assigned. "We receive bug reports from tech support, end-users, the marketing department, and from using the tools ourselves. Obviously, anything that is considered a bad bug is fixed immediately, but we don't get too many of those. Unless something is urgent, it waits until that meeting."

In the meeting, bug reports and suggestions are discussed and prioritized using our task management system. Some of the questions we ask to help us determine priority are:
   1. Is it really a problem? Sometimes we receive "bug reports" for things that aren't bugs or that aren't "broken." 
 2. How many people will it affect? Will it make the resellers more effective? 
 3. What is the level of effort required? 
"Since we've been working directly with the resellers, we've put much more of our time into helping them be more successful. There are a number of things that we can do to improve the catalog, shopping cart, EZ-PageBuilder™, etc. These are things that we want to do and that we're going to do. But often, these aren't the things that will make a big difference to the reseller right away. Almost without exception, the member sites that are doing the best and selling the most are very simple sites, and our tools are able to meet those needs. That's why we've focused so much of our energy on things like EZ-Directory™ and EZ-SiteDuplicator™. These are things that are going to make it easier for resellers to sell accounts."

"We appreciate all of the suggestions that we receive from resellers. That's where we get most of our ideas for changes. Every suggestion is heard and considered. Even if we cannot do much about it now, the suggestions are stored in our database." If you have a suggestion for an enhancement, or if you think you may have found a bug, please let us know. You can contact tech support and pass it along to them, or you can click here to submit your request online.