Volume I - Issue IV - April 2001
Reseller Spotlight
Kim Adamson
Kim Adamson is a very determined reseller. At first, she found her Internet consulting business to be more work than she had anticipated, but her persistence has paid off.

"There was a tradeshow at the mall geared towards women. I decided to get a booth there and offer my services with the hopes of attracting women who would like to start a home-based business on-line."

The show resulted in a number of qualified leads and even a sale, but the best result came in a very unexpected way. Included in the entry fee to participate in the tradeshow ($450.00) were several radio spots on a number of the region's more popular stations. Kim was surprised to hear from one of the station's competitors.

"Hot 106 FM heard my commercials on their competitor's station. They gave me a call and asked me to bid out the work to do their web site. I bid the site pretty low, but negotiated some good radio airplay with them. I also counted on the fact that they would be hyping their site to bring me some traffic as well."

That is exactly what happened. As the launch of their new site approached, the station's DJ's could not stop talking about "www.hot106.fm." As is often the case, the company that owns Hot 106 also owns several other stations, and Kim has been contracted to do sites for some of Hot 106's sister stations. In addition, the radio stations have begun to refer their advertising clients to Kim.

"It's a win-win situation. I get the jobs to do their client's sites and the stations sell more advertising when it comes time for these companies to advertise their new sites."

Now that Kim has been able to "get the ball rolling," her outlook for the future of her business is very bright. From the first job that she bid for Hot 106 FM, she has already two other radio stations and a web site for Blacker's Furniture, one of Hot 106's biggest clients. Plus, just this week she met with the radio stations' owner about possibly doing work for more of the 12 stations that he owns. Of course now he will have to work around her busy schedule!

Congratulations on your success, Kim!