Volume I - Issue IX - September 2001
Do You Design Success?
The Reseller Business Development Program is designed to jump start you business.
David Mortensen
Editor, EZ-NetAdvantage
A young man observed a virtuoso violinist practicing on a stage. Impressed by the artist's obvious talent, the young man watched in awe as the violinist played song after song with such feeling and artistry. After he had finished, the young man approached the violinist. "I'd give anything to play like you," complimented the young man. To which the wise violinist replied, "You say you'd give anything, but would you give 6 hours per day practicing?" True desire is what separated the virtuoso and the young man

Do You Desire Success?
Do you want to be more successful as an Internet consultant? Would you like to see your business take off? Do you desire it enough to do what it takes to succeed? So do we, and as proof, ICServ is introducing the Reseller Business Development Program. The best part is it's all free!

Dedicated to Your Success
You've heard us say it before, but it's really true - if you're not successful, we're not successful. The Reseller Business Development Program (RBD Program) is yet another example of our dedication to you, the reseller.

The program includes ten steps that we have observed through personal experience, the experiences of the "Reseller in a Fishbowl", and observing our most successful resellers. Simply follow the ten steps to give your business a good foundation.

Upon registering for the program, you will be assigned your own facilitator. He will be there to answer any questions you have along the way. At the end of each step is a homework assignment. Your facilitator will review your homework, look for areas of improvement and help you through the program. He will also be there to offer his professional opinion and advice about your web site, any promotional materials you have, and your progress in general.

We believe in this program and believe that it can be very helpful to all resellers that are seeking to establish their Internet consultant business. If you would like to learn more about the program to decide if it's for you, go through the introduction at http://login.eznettools.net/rbdp.

The Reseller Business Develop Program has been succeeded by the Reseller Launch Program. Click here to start the Launch program