Volume I - Issue XI - December 2001
Reseller in a Fishbowl
Carl Owen
As EZ-NetTools™ resellers, we have so many resources to help us to be successful. In particular, I have found one of these resources to be very effective - model sites. In the past month I have used them to sell and create interest in websites. You can take a presentation to a potential client and then show them what you can do for them. Let me tell you about one that I did just last week.

I went into a local car dealership and visited with the owner about getting a web presence. He had a site that they had been working on for a couple of months. It looked great for what it was, however it did not have much content and no catalog of cars, no finance calculator, no links to other web sites that are important to the car buying public. I typed in the URL to the car model site and demonstrated its features. I had him navigate and see for himself what a top quality site looks like and the features that are already on the site. He was very impressed. I left him with the link on his computer and a couple of days later he called and asked how long it would be before he could have his site up and operating. I let him know that it would mostly depend on his ability to get us the information that needed to be plugged into the site. That was a week ago. Now his site is up and operating complete with his inventory. Now he is just deciding which cars and trucks he wants to list on his site.

I have used the Floral site and a couple of the other model sites that are in the system. They work great and best of all; MOST of the work is already done for you. Model sites make a sales presentation very easy and effective. The advantage to you is that you can charge a good markup for a site that took you maybe 4 hours to complete. Now that's a great resource!

To see available Model Sites, click here.