Volume II - Issue IV - April 2002
Make Better Passwords
David Mortensen
Editor, EZ-NetAdvantage
Internet users today are constantly being asked for their user ID and passwords. Sites that ask for a user ID and password range from the very secure, such as online banking or email, to the less important, such as online stores or user groups. Not all uses for your user ID are the same and YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE SAME USER ID AND PASSWORD IN ALL SITUATIONS. Your private information is only as secure as your password.

The use of user IDs and passwords is still a generally safe process. However, there are some steps which should be taken to avoid having your important accounts broken into.

1. Don't use the same User ID/Password in all situations
For many, there is a temptation to take shortcuts in creating passwords and user IDs for the sake of convenience. DON'T DO IT! This only makes it more convenient for would-be thieves to get your information. Use unique user IDs and passwords for important/secure accounts.

2. Change your password frequently
Especially on secure accounts (again, such as online banking, merchant accounts, ect.), you should change your password with greater frequency.

3. Avoid bad passwords
A bad password is one that is easily guessed by an information thief or someone who knows you.

Some bad passwords include:
  • Your username
  • Your name or nickname
  • Names of anyone in your family
  • Your pet's name
  • Your birthday or family birthdays
  • Your phone number, social security number, or address
  • Words that can be found in the dictionary
Good passwords have:
  • Both letters and numbers
  • Both upper- and lowercase letters
  • At least six to eight characters
  • The VERY BEST passwords do not include words that can be found in the dictionary (such as fish108) but are gibberish (such as fN93e32)

4. Forgot your password?
Be very careful with the so-called "security questions" that are used to identify you should you lose your password. Mother's maiden-name, city of birth, favorite ice cream flavor, etc. are inappropriate questions to use to determine if you are you.

User IDs and passwords do work well and can protect you in most situations. However, remember these three keys to keeping your information yours:
    1. Choose your passwords wisely
    2. Change them often
    3. Don't ever share them with anyone.