Volumn II - Issue IV - October 2002
Reseller Support
Share EZ-NetAdvantage with your Members
By Jessie Marbry
Reseller Support Representative
There are many reasons why your members purchased a website from you. One more reason to add to their list is because with EZ-NetTools, they can receive our latest technology and updates through the EZ-NetAdvantage Online Magazine.We feel confident that your members will appreciate this wonderful feature. You can share the EZ-NetAdvantage (ICServ Online Magazine) with your members each month. We suggest that you send YOUR OWN e-mail message to your members and DO NOT forward the one we send you announcing the current issue. We suggest this for two reasons.

#1) Because it just plain looks better to receive an original email from their Reseller instead of a "forwarded" message from us.

#2) The email message we send to you has the User ID and Password for the Reseller Edition password protected for RESELLERS ONLY.

Your members will appreciate and benefit from each issue of the EZ-NetAdvantage. This is where we announce system updates, feature articles that will help your members improve their websites and learn more about website development.

Take "advantage" of the EZ-NetAdvantage for you AND your members