Volume I - Issue IX - September 2001
New Blocks on the Block
William Bennett
Customer Support Supervisor
The programmers have done it again. A series of tremendous updates to EZ-PageBuilder went up on August 16th and all I can say is - WOW!!

The most obvious changes include: Spell check, Mirror block, built-in rollovers, and graphics enhancements!

Spell Check
Spell check has been added to all blocks that have text. Now you can check your spelling directly from EZ-PageBuilder before you save the block! This is a tremendous new feature that should save you time (and maybe some embarrassment).

Note: Spell check does not recognize HTML tags, so be careful not to accidentally overwrite your HTML tags within text blocks.

Mirror Block
This is a very powerful new tool that revolutionizes EZ-PageBuilder. If fact, this block is so advanced that the concept is somewhat difficult to explain. Suppose that you have a block that appears on many of your pages. Often this will be navigation buttons or a sidebar or something similar. In the past, if you wanted to make a change to this recurring block, you would have to open every page and make the change individually. That problem is a thing of the past!

With the mirror block, you set up a block on a page. We recommend creating a mirror block page. On that page (say mirror.html for example) you create the block or blocks that you would like repeated elsewhere. Then, in your web site pages, you can insert the blocks from your mirror block page. This has two advantages. First, you don't have to recreate those blocks over and over. Second, if you decide to make a change to that block, you need only do so on the mirror block page!

Note: This is an advanced block. There are some important things to understand when using it. Further information can be found in the technical support web site.

Built-in Rollovers
Have you seen web sites where you "hover" your mouse over a graphic and the image changes? That is called a "Rollover". JavaScript tells the browser to switch one image with another when the pointer passes over it. Now you can add this feature in EZ-PageBuilder without any JavaScript! This feature can be found in the advanced sections of the button bar and graphic blocks. See the technical support web site for more information.

Other Graphic Enhancements
The graphic blocks have been enhanced to now let you specify the height and width of the graphic. This will help with the load time of your pages. This will not change the file size, it just lets the browser know the height and width of the graphic so it can set the page up correctly as it loads. You can also use this to change the size of the graphic itself if you do not have a graphics editor to resize the graphics. Be careful though, as this can potentially cause distortion.

For More Information Section
Many of you have asked for greater flexibility in the "For More Information" section that appears at the bottom of every page. Now, if you do not have anything selected in Global Information to be displayed, the words "For More Information" will not be displayed on your pages either.

There are a lot of changes taking place in the tools. EZ-PageBuilder and EZ-NetTools in general are becoming more flexible and powerful. As always, we at customer support are here to help you. If you need help with these new tools, check out the technical support web site. You can also contact customer support directly at support@eznettools.net or by calling 208-356-6887 between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm MST.

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