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Training 1: Intro to Blocks

Download this Zip File

Unzip the zip file. Then upload the files to your account

This is what we are going to build:

This simple page is made of just 4 different blocks.

Here's how to build it.
1. Open PageBuilder. Create a New Page (click "New Page -  Blank")

2. Add a Title Block.

3. Type "My First Webpage". Choose Center. Click Font | Color | Size

4. Choose Font Face: Arial | Font Size: 7 | Font Style: Bold
Push Ok, then push Submit

5. Click the Add Icon to add a new block

6. Choose Graphic from the dropdown.

7. Click Next Step

8. Click Browse

9. Choose keyboard-to-success.jpg and then click Open

10. Push Submit

11. Click Add to add another block.

12. Choose Text - Advanced from the dropdown menu. Then push Next Step.

13. Copy & Paste the text from the website text.txt file.

14. Highlight "On the Fast Track..." and click the "B" to bold it. Do the same for "Example Buttons"
You can also change to font to Arial by clicking Font Name.
When your finished Push Submit

15. Add another block by clicking the green plus (shown below).

16. Choose "Button Bar"

17. Click EZ-Browse and find the button images (the same way you did with the graphic block earlier).

18. Insert all three images (as shown below).

19. Add the Rollover images.  Click EZ-Browse next to Rollover and insert button1-hover.png, button2-hover.png, & button3-hover.png respectively.

20. File > Save As.
Click the File dropdown in the top left corner.  Then click Save As

21.  Press Yes

22. Name your page "training-build.html" and then click Save As

You're all done!  Congratulations, you're on your way to making professional websites.

Learn more with Training 2: Intro to CSS