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Easy Business Website Header
The combination of software and hosting makes the EZ-NetTools® HostwareŽ very unique. We have been very efficient in developing the hardware side of our system too! Our hosting architecture is state-of-the-art, reliable and secure.

System Architecture
With our unprecedented architecture, the EZ-NetTools® system uptime is above 99.9%! Employing multiple server clusters and routing Web traffic through Load Balancing Routers (LBRs) greatly contributes to our highly dependable service.

The LBRs are like a traffic cop that directs Web traffic to the least busy servers. If server 1 and 2 are busy, it will route the next request for information to server 3, 4, etc.

business website and hosting graphic
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Technical Insights
For the less technical, the EZ-NetTools® system was developed to be secure, stable, and always progressing. Our engineers use the finest technology available to provide this outstanding system.

The deeper technical attributes of the EZ-NetTools® system include:
  • Customized Watch Dog Monitoring Software
  • Daily Back-up and Weekly Off Site Back-up
  • Expandable and Redundant Architecture
  • Red Hat Linux - Operating System
  • Apache Web Server
  • MySQL Database
  • Perl Programming
  • Mod_Perl Interpreter
  • SSL Encryption
  • Mod_SSL Interpreter