Volume II - Issue III - March 2002
In This Issue
Write Effectively for the Web
On the Internet, writing copy is a tough job. You need to present information to an audience with a very short attention span. Learn important techniques that will help you transmit your message effectively.
Mirror Mirror
There is a feature in EZ-PageBuilder that is very powerful yet very under used. With the Mirror Block you can create pages that are much more versatile in much less time.
EZ-NetAdvantage!™, EZ-Calendar™, EZ-MailingList™, EZ-FormBuilder™, EZ-FileManager™, EZ-LinkTrader™, EZ-Audio™, EZ-ColorPicker™, and EZ-PhotoAlbum™ are Trademarks (™) of ICServ® Inc. EZ-NetTools® is a Registered Trademark (®) of ICServ® Inc.