Idaho Personal Injury Attorney - Robert K. Beck
Giving Back

Robert K. Beck & Associates is a law firm that believe in giving back to the community.  Robert and his wife Beverly, the firm’s bookkeeper, have been involved with the community and generously given of their time and resources on numerous occasions over the years.  They serve continually at their local church and have been avid volunteers for youth sports programs.


Coach Robert Beck

Idaho Falls Attorney, Rober Beck, giving back.For many years, Robert was known as “Coach Beck” as he coached little league baseball and Grid Kid football teams.  More recently, he has helped and offered storage space for the Grid Kid football league. 


Director Beverly Beck

For more than 13 years now, Beverly has volunteered with the Grid Kid football program.  She is currently serving as a Director of the Sandcreek division where she manages coaches, kids, and parents.
Beverly organizes the stacks of shoulder pads and helmets and stores them in the basement of the office.  She works tirelessly to make sure that every player receives the right equipment. 


The Beck’s both maintain that giving back to the community is both an honor and privilege.  They see it as a critical value that is necessary to maintain the quality and vitality of the community in which they live.


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