Pat Hanner Art Gallery
The original framed oil painting is valued at $500.00 was painted by Pat Hanner during time when she painted animals. It is located at the Pat Hanner Art Gallery. It is a Pat Hanner Art Gallery Collectible. Prints are available upon request for $15.00. It is striking in color or black and white. All prints are autographed, numbered and registered and of limited edition.

This is a pastel drawing of a giraffe done by Pat Hanner during this same period of her art career. It's value is not determined. A print of this may be custom ordered for $15.00. The expression is what captured the artist's attention. This would make a striking picture in a game room, bedroom or hallway. Your Collector's Item print will be numbered and registered at the Pat Hanner Art Gallery and your "Certificate Of Authenticity" will arrive with the picture.

"Residence 29 Unicorn"
"Residence 29 Unicorn" is an acrylic wall mural painted by Pat Hanner on the Residence Manager's office door. He supplied the picture that the original artist designed and drew. This is a photograph of the wall mural painted on a 2' diameter Masonite panel.