Guangling Yu
Hometown Real Estate

My Clients

I pledge to provide professional real estate knowledge with a dedication to honesty, integrity and responsiveness to every client and customer I have the privilege of serving. This “service culture” is expected at every level of our organization and deviation from this policy is not accepted.

My Mission Statement

My clients and customers deserve and will receive the finest service offered by any Real Estate Broker.

Nikki Mayer, Managing Broker

I am proud to have Ling as an integral member of the team of Real Estate Professionals at Hometown Real Estate. Ling always takes superior care of her clients and is truly engaged with them from first contact though the closing process! She is the consummate professional!

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Hometown Real Estate
Corporate Office: 7700 W. Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60634, 888-317-9983. IL License #481011578