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Retrieve Orders
Retrieve Orders allows you to view, print, and manage the orders that are processed on your e-commerce web site. When a customer begins an order on your website, the information they've submitted will be sent directly to the Retrieve Orders Tool.
To access your Retrieve Orders, simply log into your account and select "Retrieve Orders" from the Administrative Tools. For a while you may also log in directly to the Retrieve Orders Tool without logging into your EZ-NetTools account by going to:


In the future this method of accepting your orders may be discontinued without notice.

There are six different categories your orders can be sorted by, often indicated by the current Order Status: 
  • All
  • New
  • Backordered
  • Fulfilled
  • Archived
  • Incomplete
The first five categories are strictly for managing your orders. The Incomplete category will list the orders that potential customers have started on your site, but have not yet completed. Click here for more information on Incomplete Orders.

To view the orders in a particular category, use the drop-down menu under View Order By: and select the category next to Status, then click on the Go button. You can also use this area to search any or all of the categories for a specific Last Name, First Name, Order Number, Date, or Total Price. Type a search string in the Search box, then use the drop-down menu to select whether what you are searching for is a First Name, Last Name, etc. Then, click on the Go button to refresh your listing with the new search criteria. Note: If you are searching for a Date, be sure to enter it in mm/dd/yy format.

The Orders listed are displayed in a grid, similar to the EZ-FileManagerTM. If there is more than one page of orders, page numbers will appear above and below the currently listed orders. Simply click on the page number you want to go to. You can also sort the orders displayed by Date, Name, Order Number, and Total by clicking on the appropriate heading. A black arrow pointing up or down indicates which heading is currently being used to sort the orders. Clicking on the heading with the arrow changes the order from ascending to descending, or descending to ascending, depending on which way they are sorted now. To display more or less orders per page, use the drop-down menu labeled Display Options to show 10, 25, 50, or 100 orders per page.

Menu Bar
There are six buttons on the top of the screen for managing your orders.

View | Print | Move | Delete | Return* | Help

View: This option allows you to view the details about an order. Select the order(s) you wish to view (up to 3 orders per click) and then click on the View button. A new window will open for each order, showing the Customer Information, the actual items ordered and their attributes, and the method of payment used. You can also view orders by clicking on the View icon at the far right of each order.

Print. This option allows you to print any selected orders. Select the order(s) to print and then click on the Print button. You can also print the orders when you are in the View Order window by clicking on the Print button located at the top and bottom left sides.

Move: This option allows you to move orders between categories. For example, once an order has been filled, you can select the order and move it to the Fulfilled category. This is done by selecting the order(s) you wish to move, clicking on the Move button, then selecting the category you want to move them to: Back Orders, Fulfilled, or Archived. Note: You cannot move orders to the Incomplete category, as this area is only for orders that were not completed by the person placing the order. Click here for more information on Incomplete Orders.

Delete: This option allows you to delete selected orders. Select the order(s) you want to delete, and click the Delete button.
Return: This button returns you to your Administrative Tools.
* This option will only be displayed if you login directly through your EZ-NetTools account.

Help: This button opens this Help Screen for the Retrieve Orders page.

Incomplete Orders
The Incomplete Orders category will allow you to view those order that were not completed on your web site for one reason or another. If your customer begins an order and submits on any of the EZ-Checkout pages, that order is stored in our database, whether it completes or not. This new category will help you discover where the order was abandoned on the EZ-Checkout process.

The layout is the same as the other categories, except some of the columns are different. The Order # and Total column listed with the other categories are not here. If you wish to see the pending order # or totals for each order, select the View icon to view the complete order details. A new column has also been added that will show you on which page the order was abandoned by the customer.
Orders will be recorded as incomplete on these pages: 
  • Shipping
  • Payment
  • Confirm

 Retrieve Orders