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Discounts for Items in the Same Category
Category discounts
The first week in February 2009, a new discount feature was added to the EZ-NetTools EZ-Catalog tool. We have added a second level of discounts that take advantage of the quantity discount features that are already available for each product. When properly configured, this second level of discounts will trigger the quantity discounts for products in a product category based on the total number of products ordered within that category, not just the quantity ordered of an individual product. This feature will provide our E-Commerce customers with additional marketing options. Consider the following example:


These products are in the same category.

Product A
Regular price for 1 to 10 is $2.75.
The price for 11 to 20 is $2.50

Product B
Regular price for 1 to 5 is $5.00.
The price for 6 to 15 is $4.75.
The price for 16 to 25 would be $4.50.


Scenario 1

A customer orders 3 of Product A and 3 of Product B for a total of 6 items in this category. In this case the price for Product A would be the normal price of $2.75 and the price for Product be would be discounted to $4.75.

Scenario 2

A customer order 6 of Product A and 7 of Product B for a total of 13 items in this category. The price for Product A would be discounted to $2.50 and for Product B would be discounted at the second level to $4.75,

Scenario 3

A customer orders 8 o f Product A and 8 of Product B for a total of 16 items in this category. The price for Product A would be discounted $2.50 and for product B would be the 3rd level discount of $4.50. The discounted prices would only show up when the customer displayed the shopping cart, not in the individual product pages. This is because, it is only at the shopping cart that we really know what the customer has in their basket to purchase.

Note: This same discount calculation applies when multiple items are ordered of the same product but with different product options, such as size or color.


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