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Updates to
EZ-CheckOut and EZ-Shipping
We continue our efforts to overhaul the catalog and ordering tools. Our latest efforts are to provide additional features to the check out process and the shipping options. We also made a few changes to the other EZ-Order and EZ-Catalog. We have outlined the changes below.
Construction menus options 
  • Break out the ecommerce by function
  • New EZ-Checkout option
  • New EZ-Shipping option
  • Access to payment options
Changes to EZ-Catalog 
  • Customize currency symbol
  • New uses of catalog item weight information in the shipping configuration
Changes to EZ-Order 
  • Edit Configuration menu distributed by function
  • Edit Optional Fields given its own menu
  • Select Countries moved to EZ-Shipping
  • Edit Comments broken up
  • Order Form Comments given its own menu
  • Additional Comments moved to EZ-Checkout
  • Additional Emails Addresses moved to EZ-Checkout
New EZ-Checkout options 
  • Look and Feel configures custom header graphics
  • Navigation provides links to business policies
  • Order Notification Additional Emails moved to here
  • Page Comments and collection of Additional Information improved
  • More flexibility with required address information
  • Menus have better look and feel and are easier to navigate
Enhanced EZ-Shipping options. 
  • More Basic Shipping Methods added
  • Stand-alone Advanced Shipping Method added
  • Now can calculate handling per box per weight
  • Calculates minimum and maximum costs, as well as free shipping
  • More Shipping Add-Ons
  • Ability to link directly to UPS to determine actual shipping charges.
Payment configuration 
  • Access to payment configuration from this main menu now available.
  • Real-Time Transaction Gateways now equipped with password validation
Changes yet to come 
  • Revamp shopping cart
  • Revamp the catalog
 Payment Options 
 Merchant Accounts 
 Gateway service 
Security & Privacy