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Enhancements to Catalog Display, Product Display and Order Form Look and Feel
During 2005 we are planning a major update to the look and feel of the shopper interface of the E-Commerce section of EZ-NetTools.  In 2002 and 2003 we made major changes to the underlying software and database of EZ-Catalog.  These were very significant projects that prepared a foundation for some more visible upgrades we want to make to EZ-Catalog.

We have reviewed comments and suggestions received over the years from our customers.  We have also reviewed studies conducted by leading internet professionals about the best business practices for the online shopping experience.  We are in the process of consolidating these suggestions into a set of requirements.  At this time we are concentrating on the look and feel of the category, order form, and the shopping cart.  Here is a general overview some of the changes we are considering.  At this point we have not yet decided which of these enhancements to include.

  1. Shopping cart pages.
    1. Provide for customizing the colors, fonts, background, and possibly the layout of the shopping cart.
    2. Show a default shipping cost in the shopping cart with the ability to enter a zip code to compute a more accurate shipping cost.
    3. A new page builder block that will dynamically display the number items and value of the shopping cart
    4. Address the problems caused by the recent Service Pack 2 update to Windows XP to the “Continue Shopping” button.
    5. Order products in the cart by the way entered rather than product number.
  2. Catalog display pages.
    1. Provide for nesting categories.  For example, there could be subcategories going several levels deep such as Mens>Outerwear>Parkas.
    2. Category layout in rows and columns of subcategories or products.
    3. Customizable colors, fonts, background, buttons,  and possibly the layout of the category pages.
    4. Add a new feature, product pages for single pages
      1. Customizable colors, fonts, and backgrounds.
      2. Display alternative products with links
      3. Display complementary products with links
      4. Display included products with this product.
    5. Customize the sort order of the displayed categories or products
  3. Order form
    1. Provide for customizing the colors, fonts, and background of the order form.
    2. Provide a “Back” button
    3. A pagination system for long order forms.

These are the major changes being considered.  There are a number of other, less significant or noticeable changes that are being considered.  We will not be able to accomplish everything this next year.  We are soliciting your comments and input to help us determine the priority of the updates.  As I mentioned above, we will be concentrating our efforts on the look and feel of the pages that a shopper  sees.  While you are welcome to make suggestions on any part of EZ-Catalog or EZ-NetTools, we are most interested in suggestions pertaining to the look and feel.

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