What I Have Found
My introduction to "brethren" assemblies.*

by Mark Frees

*Sometimes referred to as "Plymouth Brethren"
by other groups of Christians.

It is my privilege in this little booklet to introduce the reader to the assemblies of Christian believers sometimes referred to as "Plymouth Brethren." I write with some hesitation, for my last desire is to exalt man or any group of men. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to share with others the blessing I myself have received from fellowship with this dear company of God's people.
For six years I pastored churches in a major denomination, having also been born, brought to Christ, and reared in that denomination, by and large a gospel-preaching, Bible-believing denomination. However, personal study of the New Testament teaching concerning the church and the ministry led me to question deeply whether many of the traditions and methods of our churches were Scriptural. At the same time I was gaining an increasing awareness of these simple assemblies of believers, whose beliefs and practices matched to a surprising degree the convictions I was developing through searching the Scriptures. After much prayer and agonizing, I felt led of the Spirit - much to the dismay of some - to resign my position as pastor, leave my denomination, and begin to meet with a small group of these brothers and sisters. I have not once regretted this step, nor can I adequately express how greatly I and my family have been blessed by it. I feel it would be both ungrateful and selfish to keep this discovery to myself, particularly since many Christians, though sensing something amiss in their own church traditions, are wholly unaware of even the existence of these assemblies meeting in Scriptural fashion.

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