God's Good News

God has good news for everyone! He loves you. But unfortunately, there is some bad news. God's word, the Bible, tells us that everyone has sinned. It also says that the wages of sin is death. That is talking about spiritual death. Just like physical death, which causes separation from the person who is dead and where the dead person is unable to respond to or do anything for someone who is alive, so spiritual death separates us from God and makes us unable to do anything good for God.
The Bible also says that anyone who dies physically while they are still spiritually dead goes to Hell and is separated from God for eternity. But God doesn't want us to be separated from Him. So God sent His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to this earth. Jesus lived a perfect life, completely without sin. Then, Jesus was put to death on the cross. There He took our punishment for sin and poured out His blood that we might have forgiveness for our sins.
Three days later, Jesus came back to life. Today He is alive and with God in heaven. Now, anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior has their sins washed away and is made alive spiritually, and is then ready to be in the very presence of God. If you have never accepted the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, won't you do that today?

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