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EZ-Find Dealer/Location
The EZ-Find Dealer/Location tool will allow your customers to view any dealer companies that your company owns or associates with. To access the EZ-Find Dealer/Location option, select the "Construction Tools" from your Member Tools menu and click the 'EZ-FindDealer/Location' link. This will bring you to the menu which will display the following options:

Edit Dealers | List All Dealers | Find Dealer | EZ-Import

Edit Dealers: Click on this button to add, edit, or delete a dealer. You will first come to the "Edit Dealers" screen which displays the list of your dealers. If you have not yet entered any dealers, you will only see a thin, vertical text field. You will also note the "Add", "Edit", "Delete", and "Return to Main Menu" buttons along the bottom of the page.

Add: Use this to add a new dealer along with their contact information. You will be able to enter the Company Name, Contact Person, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone and Fax for the dealer. Click the 'Submit it' button when you are finished entering all the information.

Edit: First, select the dealer you wish to edit from the list above, then click the 'Edit' button to edit the dealers contact information. Click the 'Submit it' button once you have finished making changes.

Delete: Select the dealer you wish to delete and click the 'Delete' button. This will delete all information relating to this dealer.

Once you are finished adding, editing, or deleting contacts, click the 'Return to Main Menu' button to be brought back to the EZ-Find Dealer/Location menu.

List All Dealers: Click this button to list all dealers created. Use the 'Back' button on your browser to return to the EZ-Find Dealer/Location menu.

Find Dealer: This option will bring you to the "Find Dealer" page which your customers will see. Use the drop-down menu to select a state for which you wish to search for a dealer. Then, click the 'Search' button to view all dealers located in that state. Use the 'Back' button on your browser to return to the EZ-Find Dealer/Location menu.

EZ-Import: The 'EZ-Import' option makes it fast and easy to import a large list of dealers into your site. This saves time because you need not take the time to add each one. To use this option we first must setup a spreadsheet:

Enter the following text into each of the specified cells.

In Block A-1 Company Name
In Block A-2 Contact Name
In Block A-3 Address
In Block A-4 City
In Block A-5 State
In Block A-6 Zip Code
In Block A-7 Phone Number
In Block A-8 Fax

Now fill in each column with the appropriate information for each dealer. When you are done filling in this information, Go back and remove the first row of information (company name, contact name, etc.) Then save the file as a comma delimited file (.csv). This can be done by changing the 'File Format' option while saving.

After saving this file, return to the "EZ-Find Dealer/Location" menu and click on the 'EZ-Import' button. This gives you a page that asks for the file to import. Use the 'Browse...' button to find and select your saved file off of your computer. The file you saved was in a comma delimited format, so you will need to choose the radio button next to 'Commas'. Click on the 'Continue' button and you will be brought to the "Field Definition" page.

Each column in the spreadsheet will be available to define. Click the drop-down menu next to "Company Name" and choose the company name. Continue assigning the appropriate title for all of the fields. When done defining the fields, click the 'Continue' button. This will import your file and also will include a hypertext link to view all of your Dealers. Click on this link to be sure that all of the information imported correctly. If they did not, you can use the 'Restore Backup of Dealer List' button to restore the last version of your Dealers list.

Main Menu: This button will return you to the Member Tools - Construction Tools menu.

Linking a EZ-PageBuilder page to Find Dealer/Location

To add a link to the 'EZ-Find Dealer/Location' page, you need to go into EZ-PageBuilder and add a block to your page that has linking capabilities (for example, a title, graphic, or bulleted text block). When asked for the link, click on the 'EZ-Browse' button and select the "system" folder (you can do this by clicking the "Go up a Directory" button. Here you will find all your system-generated pages. Select the 'EZ-Find Dealer/Location' link and click the 'Open' button. This link will now connect to the Find Dealer/Location page.


 Find Dealer/Locator