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EZ-FormManager Announced

EZ-FormManager is a tool for managing information submitted through forms created using EZ-PageBuilder.  EZ-FormManager is included with e-commerance account types and can be added to all other account types.  The primary purpose of this new tool is to securely gather information submitted on a form.  Normally, the data submitted using a form is transmitted using email which is not secure and therefore not sufficient for gathering private information such as social security numbers, bank account numbers, etc.  This data can be gathered securely by using the secure form option in the Form Builder block of EZ-PageBuilder.  In this case the data is not sent via email.  Rather EZ-FormManager must be used to retrieve the data over a secure connection.

Click on the links to learn explain more about new secure options in Form Builder (go to the bottom of the page) and the features of EZ-FormManager.


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