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Big Chuck       chuckgriffis@comcast.net 4-26-2006 3:48 PM
From where I am sitting the only visable change that came with the big "update" that was going to take place in the "early morning hours" (it didn't) was the new ezonline graphic.

Could you share with us what significant update took place during these "early morning hours"? BTW, I don't know what you call "early morning hours" but after noon time is not "early morning". I was expecting to get some important replies in my inbox. I hope none of 'em bounced and people assumed my email is no longer of any use.
Joseph West       joseph@eznettools.com 4-28-2006 09:19 AM
Your frustration is justified and I apologize for the problems you and our other customers experienced this week as a result of the upgrade to the mail servers. We had anticipated that the upgrade would have taken several hours in the early morning hours. Instead, the process was not complete until well into the day. This is what happened.

While the email system is a complicated array of servers, in simple terms, each email account resides on one of three mail systems. Each system is fairly self contained and represents a different generation of hardware and software. The majority of email accounts resided on the oldest system. The other two systems served two purposes, to relieve the stress on the main mail system and to experiment with newer hardware and software configurations. After fine tuning the newer configurations, we were ready move everyone to the more advanced email system. The new system consisted of one of our most advanced and powerful servers.

Two problems occurred during the process to move the bulk of our email accounts to the new system. First, the time to copy all of the email messages took far longer than we anticipated based on our experience moving accounts to the other two systems. Second, there was a small standardized program that did not function as we planned, resulting in very sluggish operation. When we bypassed that small program, the new system began to function even better than we had planned. Indeed, we learned a number of very useful bits of information during this upgrade that will help in the future. As a result of this upgrade, I have greater confidence than I did before that we can expand the mail system to support future growth, hopefully, with less disruption.

Again I apologize for the problems you experienced this week with your mail system. We are equally frustrated with email. The growth of traffic to our customers’ web sites have been consistent and predictable. The growth in traffic to our email system has been explosive, many times the growth rate of web site traffic. Supporting the email system has sucked up the bulk of our capital budget and system administration efforts for the last several years. All of this is the result of SPAM.
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