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Marty Karpinski       martyk@webbizplanet.com 2-13-2003 01:45 AM
I'm having a problem with the global header.

I'm attempting to insert a global header onto the top of all of my pages via the 'Header Text' text box in the 'Edit Global Information.' My header includes a graphic logo.

My problem is that the graphic is not hosted on the secure server, so whenever someone enters items into the shopping cart and proceeds to checkout, a box pops up saying that the page 'contains both secure and non-secure items' and asks if the user wishes to access that particular page.

Is only way around this to have a graphic logo (or any graphic you want to put inside a 'true' header, which show the same information on the top of EVERY page of the site) hosted on a secure server?

If so, will secure logo hosting be available with the new global headers and footers? I think this is a GREAT idea that no reseller has thought about, but everyone would want once they start using the true global headers.


Marty Karpinski
Owner, Webbizplanet.com
Mike - Tech Support       support@eznettools.net 3-6-2003 5:18 PM
I'll have to look into this one. I know you'll love the new global header/footer, but for now, I'm not sure. Can you tell me which pages the "Show secure items?" prompt is displaying on? Is it the catalog pages, the EZ-Checkout, when you pass a processed payment through forbuilder...? That will help me in my investigation.
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