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Big Chuck       bigchuck@bigchuck.com 8-19-2005 5:09 PM
Note to the moderator: I messed up on my html in the last post. Please delete the other post on this subject. I hope I got this one right. thanks.

If you know anything about search engines, and search engine optimization (seo), then you know adding as much content to your site as you can is good. It is just as good for you to have links to your site where there is a lot of content. I don't know how many of you realize what value your bulletin boards have, but I would strongly encourage you to promote them, and use them. Search engines, btw, read the bulletin board as a seperate domain. If your site has a link coming from your bulletin board it is no different than having your sites' link on another website. Google, and other search engines count this link from another site like a popularity vote. I have found this to be true for my site. Though the bulletin board is on the same account, it is on a different domain. Look at Googles results for my domain vs. my bulletin board: site:bigchuck.com (opens in new window), and my Bulletin Board (opens in new window). Notice that my bulletin board is no where to be found in Googles index of my domain, bigchuck.com, but has my bulletin board and site listed as two different sites.

Now, having said all that; use your bulletin boards and place links back to your home page from your board. Promote your board. Use it as a forum/message board. Search engines, especially GoogleBot, loves content (text). Remember: the internet (web), especially as it pertains to Google, is about information. Use your board to give GoogleBot, and other search engines, the spider food they desire. This will not only help to add value to your site, but will eventually bring traffic.

Frank DAgostino       frankdag@cccol.net 8-23-2005 02:29 AM

Thanks for the info. As always, I enjoy reading your information/comments and hope that you continue. Perhaps you will share with us how you are able to know who has visited your site, and what they are doing there.

Thanks again,

Crystal Clear Communications, Inc.
Big Chuck       bigchuck@bigchuck.com 8-23-2005 09:33 AM
Perhaps you will share with us how you are able to know who has visited your site, and what they are doing there

Even though I have inquired and asked for changes OVER THE YEARS, it is definitely not the EZ hit counter. I use a paid web stat service which I will not divulge on the EZ Net board. Since I don't have access to the actual web server (icserv.net) I can not utilize a log analyzer, so I pay for a web stat service. It costs 10 bucks a month, but is worth the investment. I use this info to tweak and optimize pages for the search engines, and for ad placements and promotions. This service tells me all the info I need: referring urls (find out who is linking to me AND bringing me traffic), search engines and the keywords/phrases that visitors type in to find my site, geo information like what areas my visitors come from. I know if I have a large amount of visitors coming from some overseas countries I know I need to watch out for credit card fraud purchases with the merchants I promote, and alert them as most of these transactions usually get reversed. I have information on the operating systems people use, and which browser they are using to view my site, right along with the screen resolution. All this is very helpful information, especially when it takes copying a mere code on the right page to make a hundred extra dollars in commissions by putting the promotion on the right page in front of the right visitors looking for whatever.

and, BTW, this is something, imo, that should be standard fare with my services and tools through EZ Net. It is with most webhosting accounts. I am amazed that all we have to view stats with a mere hit counter that is easily obtained for free by many services on the web. There are free services like the one I pay for, but then you have to place their link, and ads/buttons all over your site. So I spend 10 bucks a month to keep from having leakage, and to get the stats I need.

Big Chuck       bigchuck@bigchuck.com 8-23-2005 4:11 PM
I did not want to promote another web service at EZ Nets expense, but after speaking with the powers that be I was encouraged to share the resource. I appreciate Jeff, and the others at EZ Net. In a sense, we're all in it together to make some dough - at least I am .

The web stat serve I use is webstat.com.

Keen       8-24-2005 3:33 PM
Statcounter.com is another VERY good one that provides much more information than the normal person would ever want to use and it's free. You can also get a paid version if you want it to cache more data for you.
Tom Anson       tom@ansondigitalconcerns.com 8-24-2005 10:41 PM
I agree with Chuck that a good web traffic analyzer should be part of the tools. A hit counter such as we have really doesn't do much good -- although it can tell you if no one is coming to your site.

But a good traffic analyzer, as Chuck describes, can do wonders in giving you the information you need to tweak your pages for best effect.

Why don't we have those as part of the Tools?
Tyler - EZ-NetTools TechSupport       support@eznettools.net 9-12-2007 12:37 PM
We have a new server called the SAS Server which allows you to host other applications in conjunction with your EZ-NetTools account. If you find good stat counter or other similar programs to use with your site you can host them on this new server. We at EZ-NetTools will not develop a better analyzer tool because Google Analytics has every feature you could want to monitor your site traffic. It is free and we use it on many new accounts we build who have purchased advanced SEO and other packages. I recommend not paying for one as you can use Google's Analytics for free, as well as in my research the last several months I have not found a better traffic monitor. I have found some monitors that do better in display but as well slower performance and load times on web pages. Google Analytics does not slow your pages down very much at all if not noticeably.
Ryan       9-13-2007 5:48 PM
Agreed. I used to use StatCounter but have since moved to Google Analytics. It's got more information than I know what to do with.

PETER AUSTIN NOTO       pannoto@optonline.net 11-22-2007 09:08 AM
Just added a message board to my site / bulletin board.
After reading all the informative posts especially from Big Chuck, my message board is now a reality.

All The Best Everybody and Happy Thanksgiving.

Peter Austin Noto

Omar       editor@ecofabrik.com 4-27-2008 3:03 PM
Hi, can some one kindly explain how we can add bulletin board to our site. Since we sell organic & natural fabric clothing, this will allow customers to comment and offer suggestions etc that in turn can help us in improving our offerings. Thank you.
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