One of the first design decisions for building a web site is setting the standards for the web site. By following standards the web site not only looks professional but the visitor soon gets a feeling of comfort and confidence with the web site. It also speeds the development of the site because these decisions do not have to made again. Below are the design standards for EZ-NetU. We have created a web page with these standards within the account so that we can always find the standard. Normally, you would not provide a link to your standards. However, since this is an educational site designed to teach good development practices, we provide this link as an example.
Back ground color - #FFFFCC
Text Background color - White (#FFFFFF)
Dark background color for header and side bar - #CCCC99
Red Accent and Titles Color - #660000
Color of Title and accents - #FFD900
Accent color for dividing spaces - Black (#000000)
Accent color - Blue (#4caacc)
Titles - Arial, 5, bold, #990000
Sectional headings - Arial, 4, bold, black (#000000)
Text, Times new roman, 3, normal, black (#000000)
Thumbnail photos and graphics will typically be 100 pixels wide. Photos for the catalog will be 100 by 125 prior to add
Graphics, photos and video will typically be 600 x 450 pixels. Other common sizes are: 480x360, 360x270 and 240x180.
Standards for web page widths have changed over the years. They started out at about 620 pixels wide to accommodate a monitor resolution of 640 wide by 480 tall. Today, all monitors sold use 1024 wide by 768 tall or better.
The EZ-Net University site is still built to the 670 pixels width so
that it can be printed without the need for scaling. This is something
you may want to consider in your website design if you have information that may be printed.
We now design and build websites in 900 to 950 pixels in width. This is the safe area size. Anything more and you risk having visitors have to scroll horizontally. Nothing drives a visitor to your website away faster than having to scroll horizontally (sideways) to find what your site offers. Scrolling vertically (up and down) is normal.
With the larger monitor resolutions of today, you may be tempted to build wider websites. But many others may not have such large monitors. That is why the largest commercial and informational websites build to a standard width. To better illustrate this, we have a large width graphic to show what is safe.