Kerry Widman -- EZ-NetTools Reseller

When I was starting, I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted my newly established business, The Widman Company, Inc., to take. When I was first introduced to the idea of a website design and EZ-NetTools™, I was extremely skeptical because I have absolutely no experience with HTML programming.

It was amazing to me how easy everything was to learn, and even the complicated issues went very smoothly and quickly with the expert help that I received from the EZ-NetTools efficient technical support team.
Kerry Widman
Kerry Widman
Not only did they answer all of my many questions, but they did so very effectively. Not once has technical support, or any of ICServ’s friendly staff ever made me feel unintelligent for asking questions, but instead they have always taken the approach that they are there to teach me so that I can learn to design better sites and market them much more effectively. Their view has always been, the more successful that my company is, the more successful they will be also.

Because of this approach, ICServ and EZ-NetTools™ have helped my business get off to a very successful start. I have recently become involved with an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company that will be marketing my websites, and ICServ has practically held my hand to insure that I have everything I need to win their business.

Now, I am working on a second deal that involves group sales that should turn out to be quite lucrative as well. All this, and I still can’t program in HTML, but with EZ-NetTools™ I don’t have to.

I can’t thank ICServ and all of their friendly staff enough for everything they’ve done for me and my company. My business is taking off!

Thanks so much,

Kerry Widman
The Widman Company, Inc.