Browser Statistics 

US Browser Usage - May, 2014

  1. Chrome: 36%
  2. Internet Explorer: 24.4%
  3. FireFox: 16.4%
  4. Safari: 16.3%
  5. 360 Safe Browser: 1.7%
  6. Other: 3.6%

A website should work in every browsers, but some older browsers (like Intenet Explorer 8 and below) don't support modern features. Web developers often employ 'fallbacks' for older browsers. If you visit this page in IE8 you will see an static image instead of a dynamic graph.

IE8 current accounts for 6.27% of internet traffic. This will continue to shrink, but in the mean time a fallback is used to make sure old browsers still see a chart.

Browser by Version

Source: StatCounter Global Stats - Combine Chrome (all versions) & Firefox (5+) Market Share