A successful real estate business man decided he had to much material wealth. He decided to go to a foreign country and give away Christian assets plus Spiritual possible growth to others not at privileged as he and his family.

Where is CCC? CCC if you look on a map of Colorado is less than 30 miles SW of Denver on US Highway 285, near Conifer, CO. It is over 8,000 feet above sea level in the Rocky Mountains. CCC is short for Conifer Community Church. Relative to churches CCC is a small church. When Missionary Builders of CCC began 100 people in a worship service filled the sanctuary.

The business man who began Missionary Builders was and is called Mr. D. This is not his real name as he decided young people needed to use respect in addressing an adult. Today the young people he began missionary services with are married with children and still address him as Mr. D. He began Missionary Services to go and give. That concept was soon to become wrong. How wrong? During the first trip to another country he quickly learned the 18 individuals on the Mission Trip were the RECEIVERS, yet they went to give. If you really need more information keep reading on!

Teaching youngsters to LEAD!

Mr. D leaned a super valuable technique with Missionary Builders of CCC. What was that? Basically, it was to put juniors or seniors as chair people with each committee needed. Some were finance, food, transportation, music, devotions, Vacation Bible School, plus even a report committee. Parents were put on each committee yet were not chair people. When anything went wrong with a committee, Mr. D just asked the chair person what happened and what they were going to do relating to the concern. He listened then simply said “Ok, I will be watching”. Typically, the chair person would go back to their committee, visit truth, with their committee deciding how to handle the concern.

On the first trip Mr. D had a young man one year out of high school. The last night of the trip in Mexico this youngster wrote a short report about each Missionary person on the trip. This planted a huge seed, that germinated quickly, was shared with supporters of the total missionary group grew large, never stopping. Even today a few decades later multiple thousands of individuals are SPIRITUALLY PROFITING in large proportions.

If you continue to visit this internet site you too can gain wonderful value with the information presented. Now we are decades later. Missionary Builders complete over 50 mission trips. If you continue to view this site you will continue to learn more of what they did. Then you and yours can get your thinker to thinking on how best you can proceed in the present and the future! Best to you and yours, from Mr. D.

1989 – Formed Missionary Builders, Over 50 Missionary Trips, out of state, country, and Colorado
Married 1966-Four Children by birth, three by adoption, two foreign exchange daughters (both from Germany), over 20 foster children.
Business – Gift Shop owner, Home builder, Real Estate Broker, Highway construction, and Christian Father (where he received the finest blessings)!
Christian Service – knew Jesus at 7 President of His local church three different times, Serves well with youngsters. Especially well with finance and encouraging others to the highest of leadership levels.

Mr. Davis –Now!
Leads, writes and speaks for he is retired from his career earning positions and is now just a giver. JESUSPARENTING.COM has the same material and sells nothing.
Living in the Denver Metropolitan Area he speaks for parenting groups for free. She (Judy) his boss of 55 years retired as a Special Education Teacher and still tutors youngsters.
They live in the Metropolitan area short drive to within their children and 15 grandchildren. Family guidelines they set up are to see each grandchild one day of the week. Another guideline is that is optional for their moms and dads but not for the grandchildren.
He tries to update at least on a weekly basis.

Take a good look and memorize PSALM 73:24. “You guide me with your counsel and will receive me into GLORY.” How powerful a statement do you desire? Memorize that scripture and do not let it depart from your soul!
Teach DATING to your children


Spend asset time with children

What powerful inexpensive gifts

The power of LISTENING

The authors of has been married 56 years. They have four children by birth, three by adoption (multi national) and have had 20 foster children. He is retired but not tired. His wife was a special education teacher of elementary children. He did over 50 missionary events with youngsters.

This program does well for Parents, Grand Parents and Want To Be Parents! New parenting ideas will be presented. You are already aware of and do have the tools necessary to implement. We will discuss many different items that will do well for you and yours!

  • 1989 – Formed Missionary Builders, Over 50 Missionary Trips, out of state, country, and Colorado
  • Married 1966-Four Children by birth, three by adoption, two foreign exchange daughters (both from Germany), over 20 foster children.
  • Business – Gift Shop owner, Home builder, Real Estate Broker, Highway construction, and Christian Father (where he received the finest blessings)!
  • Christian Service – knew Jesus at 7 President of His local church three different times, Serves well with youngsters. Especially well with finance and encouraging others to the highest of leadership levels.
  • Mr. Davis –Now!
  • Leads, writes and speaks for he is retired from his career earning positions and is now just a giver.
  • Living in the Denver Metropolitan Area he speaks for parenting groups for free. She (Judy) his boss of 47 years retired as a Special Education Teacher and still tutors youngsters.
  • They live in the Metropolitan area short drive to within their children and 15 grandchildren. Family guidelines they set up are to see each grandchild one day of the week. Another guideline is that is optional for their moms and dads but not for the grandchildren.
  • He tries to update at least on a weekly basis.
  • Take a good look and memorize PSALM 73:24. “You guide me with your counsel and will receive me into GLORY.” How powerful a statement do you desire? Memorize that scripture and do not let it depart from your soul!
  • Teach DATING to your children

                Learn GRANDPAS’ DIET

                Spend asset time with children

                What powerful inexpensive gifts

                The power of LISTENING

The authors of has been married  46 years. They have four children by birth, three by adoption (multi national) and have had 20 foster children. He is retired but not tired. His wife was a special education teacher of elementary children. He did over 50 missionary events with youngsters.
This program does well for Parents, Grand Parents and Want To Be Parents! New parenting ideas will be presented. You are already aware of and do have the tools necessary to implement. We will discuss many different items that will do well for you and yours!
Parenting Grand will cover new techniques for you to use each month. Mr. D is available to speak at church or parenting events. We are a non profit group and only minimum expenses will be occurred. Printing, postage, maybe travel or other?
Teaching Responsibility