Volume I - Issue III - March 2001
Reseller Report
An Open House Checklist
Carl Owen
Reseller in a Fishbowl
I. Location of Open House
    A. Possible locations include:
      1. Business Development Groups
      2. Training Departments
      3. Chamber of Commerce
      4. Hotels
    B. Make sure you have the resources needed
      1. Access to the Internet
      2. Tables & Table Skirts
      3. Chairs
II. Advertising
    A. Web Sites:
      1. Your business web site - example
      2. The directory web site - example
    B. Radio
      1. Sample
    C. Newspaper
      1. Chamber Open House article
    D. Invitations
      1. Businesses
      2. Dignitaries
      3. Press
    E. Create Sign or Presentation Slide for the Meeting
    F. Press
      1. Work the press with:
        a. Introductory phone call
        b. A press release
        c. Personal written invitation
        d. Follow-up phone call
    G. Directional Signs for when people arrive they will
    know where to go
    H. Press Kit
      1. Company Profile - Include url to your business
      web site
      2. Purpose of Directory - Include url to the directory
      3. Include your Business Card
      4. Press Release Itself
    I. Hats
      1. We gave away hats to the first 25 that showed
      up. The hats had RexburgOnline Embroidered on
    J. Certificate
      1. Need certificate for advertisement
III. Speech
    A. Welcome
      1. General
      2. Special Dignitaries
    B. Brief description of the purpose of the Directory
    C. Brief demonstration of the Directory
    D. Questions and Answers
    E. Drawing
IV. Set-up
    A. Catering
      1. We planned for 100 people, sent invitations to
      about 600 people plus the radio and newspaper ads:
        a. Punch
        b. A Variety of Cookies
        c. A Variety of Brownies
    B. Drawing
      1. Sign-up sheets
      2. Bowl or Drawing Cage to collect the sign-ups
        a. Note these are potential clients
      3. A certificate or actual item for drawing
    C. Music for background
    D. Balloons
    E. Hats for first 25
V. Other
    A. Photographer - You will want to put pictures of your
    open house on your web site.
    B. If the news shows up, find out when they plan to air
    so you can record.
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