Volume I - Issue IV - April 2001
Sales Secrets
ICServ vs Hosting
An Explanation of Terms
Application Service Provider
ICServ is an Application Service Provider (ASP). In simpler terms, ICServ is a software development company that provides our software, EZ-NetTools™, over the Internet. The software runs over the Internet.

Hosting is hard drive space on a computer which is connected to the Internet. It "serves" information in the form of web pages. Hosting companies are hardware focused but ASPs, like ICServ, are software focused companies.

EZ-NetTools™ is the software that ICServ has developed. The software builds and displays web sites.

One of the biggest advantages of EZ-NetTools™ is its degree of integration. Integration means that the software and hardware work together seamlessly as one unit. This way you don't need to figure out how to get several different solutions to work together. Each software program within EZ-NetTools™ works together in unison. To save a page, you click "save." To add a shopping cart, you enter or import the data and then add the block in EZ-Pagebuilder.™ Everything you need to be successful on the Web is readily available.

Web Programming
Using EZ-NetTools™, one can build a web site with out the need to learn sophisticated web programming languages. With EZ-NetTools™ you don't need html, CGI, or Java programming knowledge. The ease of use is a big advantage of EZ-NetTools™.

With hosting companies you either need programming experience or you must learn to use a variety of other software packages. Hosting companies may offer a library of CGI scripts which offer various functions. When you decide on which software and scripts you are going to use, you need to figure out how to get the software to work together, build your Web site and transfer the files to the Web through a process called FTP. Many of these functions are free but the some require additional monthly fees. For example, a catalog, shopping cart, and hit counter could all be separate CGI scripts.Secure hosting will definitely cost more money per month. This method lacks integration and can lead to hidden costs.

File Uploading
Traditionally, web sites have been developed "off-line" and then, when ready, they are uploaded to a server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This process is cumbersome, difficult for beginners, and makes it more difficult to make even small changes to web sites. EZ-NetTools™, with its integrated EZ-FileManager™, eliminates the need for FTP altogether. Additionally, all changes made to pages within EZ-PageBuilder™ are live as soon as they are saved.
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