Volume V - Issue I - January 2005
New Model Sites
Kip Nield
Director of Marketing

New Market Research Yields New Model Website for Resellers

Custom Websites .....

 .........You can Maintain

A new model website is now available to all EZ-NetTools resellers!

Proven Effective
This website has been used for the last several months for EZ-OnlineSolutions. It applies knowledge learned from recent market research conducted by our EZ-NetTools Marketing Department. This website has produced more leads and more sales than any other website created to date.

This new website appeals directly to the EZ-NetTools target market, small business. It has a small business "feel" and provides quick and obvious service options; Self Serve, Jump Start and Full Service. The Self Serve option enables online purchasing while the Jump Start and Full Service options generate sales leads via e-mail.

Market Research
Our research has proven that businesses today may not necessarily want to create their own website but definitely want to maintain it. This is an excellent competitive advantage over your local designers. We use the following phrase continually that is very effective in our sales talk:

"We provide custom websites that our customers can maintain!"

Our market is much smarter today. Therefore they understand the value of a custom designed website they can maintain themselves. Our potential customers are tired of paying for updates to their website that they can do with EZ-NetTools.

We have also learned that with this market maturation, our potential customers who have used a template-based solution are tired of inflexibility and are now ready for a more sophisticated solution. I firmly believe that the market has grown into EZ-NetTools. Businesses need EZ-NetTools and your hands-on service.

Take Advantage
To take advantage of this new reseller model website, you can copy the website using the Account Management reseller tool, called EZ-SiteDuplicator. Look for the 2005 Reseller Model in the list of model website to copy (last one in the dropdown list). Once the website has been duplicated, you can modify the website to include your company information (check the readme page for details).

Alternately, you may want to use the concepts of this website to update your existing EZ-NetTools promoting website. Certainly the "custom websites you can maintain" theme is key. By providing the Self Serve, Jump Start and Full Service options, customers will naturally tend to lean toward the Jump Start service that gives you an advantage over your competition and an opportunity to make more money on design work!

Exciting Times
The market has changed dramatically in the past six to twelve months. Many new template based solutions are available, more than ever before. It is exciting to know that we have a clear-cut advantage with EZ-NetTools. EZ-NetTools is a proven system with more flexibility and stability than the competition. Coupling EZ-NetTools with your personalized service generates a powerful one-two punch that businesses are looking for in website development!

Q4 2004 was the best quarter of EZ-NetTools sales since before the market correction of 2000. We are seeing some exciting trends and encourage all of our resellers to renew their commitment to their website design business. There are plenty of businesses that need EZ-NetTools and are looking for you right now! It is definitely time to get jazzed about selling EZ-NetTools!

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