Volume II - Issue II - February 2002
In This Issue
Create Effective Banners
Banner advertising isn't dead, and Jason, our Graphic Guru, wants everyone to know what makes an effective banner ad design.
Ulead's Latest: PhotoImpact 7
Many of you know and love Ulead's PhotoImpact 5 or 6. We review the latest version to help you decide if it warrants the upgrade.
Automatic Bookmarking Script
This is a handy little feature that you can add to your site. It allows users to automatically add your site to their "favorites" in their browser.
EZ-NetAdvantage!™, EZ-Calendar™, EZ-MailingList™, EZ-FormBuilder™, EZ-FileManager™, EZ-LinkTrader™, EZ-Audio™, EZ-ColorPicker™, and EZ-PhotoAlbum™ are Trademarks (™) of ICServ® Inc. EZ-NetTools® is a Registered Trademark (®) of ICServ® Inc.