creating an employee newsletter easy, edit, reproduce, buy now
Get instant relief from the stress of assembling an employee wellness/productivity/communications in-house newsletter. FrontLine Employee is turnkey and ready to distribute. You can change anything in MS Publisher or MS Word —even the title.

Get your life back. You're finally out of "newsletter prison" and free to do other things with your time. No more producing your monthly newsletter and then worrying immediately about the next issue.

End the worry, embarrassing apologies, and explanations for why your newsletter did not get distributed on time. FrontLine Employee comes a week early before the month of issue. Relax, the work is done.

Stop deadline pressures. No more working on the weekends, writer's block, panic, and mad searches for articles on the Internet—all while doing your other job.

Contribute to solutions to problems interfering with employee productivity. Reduce risk to your organization from potentially out of control employees who may seek help as a result of an article they read in FrontLine Employee.
Help your employees achieve personal goals with actionable tips, suggestions, guidance, and easy to find resources. Only licensed mental health professionals with decades of personal, family, and workplace counseling experience author or approve content in FrontLine Employee.

No more embarrassments. No more puzzling over the right words or having coworkers telling you about mistakes in your newsletter. Every issue is professionally proofed by experts in grammar and spelling.

Save time, energy, and money. Pay one low annual price and rest easy. You get a 100% refund should you decide at any time that FrontLine Employee is not the “genie in the lamp” you’ve been searching for.

Celebrate! Finally, bring back your old company newsletter—the one that nobody could keep up with. Still, you receive a newsletter that you can alter in any way to it reflects your work culture and mission.
How to get information for your employee newslette
Buy Employee Newsletter

What is FrontLine Employee?
  • FrontLine Employee is an editable, reproducible, web-usable, and e-mailable, work-life-productivity newsletter for employees in any organization regardless of size. Frontline Employee has published monthly since March 2001, and is read by nearly four million employees. Frontline Employee uses "newsletter software" power of your MS Publisher or MS Word programs to help you produce an effective and professional workplace, wellness newsletter for employees.

How can I use FrontLine Employee?
  • FrontLine Employee can be e-mailed to employees you serve in your organization or the organizations you officially serve in your role as an EAP vendor, employee leasing company, or other employee service provider.
  • FrontLine Employee can be posted on your web site but it must be protected by a password so it can't be copied or taken by another user without paying for the content.
  • Articles in FrontLine Employee can be used in your existing in-house newsletter to save you the drudgery of authoring original content for your newsletter. We send an MS Word text document when subscribers choose this option.
  • You may re-name the newsletter to one you find more suitable to match your work culture or purpose of the publication.
  • You may use FrontLine Employee in your marketing materials to improve the likelihood of obtaining new customers for your core business.

What kind of articles does FrontLine Employee include?
Frontline Employee includes articles that address the improved social and occupational functioning of workers including:

  • 1) On-the-job Worker Productivity Tips
  • 2) Improving Coworker Relationships and Resolving Conflicts
  • 3) Balancing Work, Family, Home, and Community
  • 4) Improving Personal Fitness and Effectiveness
  • 5) Alcohol and Drug Education, Recovery, & Intervention
  • 6) Team Building Tips and Ideas
  • 7) What the EAP Can Do for You
  • 8) Hot Work-Life Topics in the News
  • 9) Stress Management Tips
  • 10) Improving the Relationship with Your Supervisor  
  • 11) Workplace Safety, Injury Prevention, and Recovery
  • 12) Customer Service Stress and Relationship Issues

Who publishes FrontLine Employee?

  • FrontLine Employee is published by DFA Pubishing & Consulting, LLC. The General Manager is Dan Feerst. Dan Feerst is an employee assistance professional, industrial social worker, national consultant, and owner of the web site. Main offices are in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Who writes FrontLine Employee?
  • FrontLine Employee is written by Daniel Feerst, MSW, LISW, a licensed mental health professional with 25 years corporate experience. He is one of the most widely read business authors in the U.S. Dan Feerst edits and approves all copy personally.

Who many articles are in each issue?
  • Eight articles are in each issues, four on page one, and four on page two. Any article can be removed and inserted with another article from any prior issue or with the subscribers own content.

How much does FrontLine Employee cost?
  • There is a flat-fee for FrontLine Employee depending on the size of the readership within the employment setting: Rates are $495, $695, and $995. We use an honor system in our subscription process, but it subject to reference checking.. See brochure to order here.
  • $495 - 1 to 100 Employees
  • $695 - 101 to 1000 Employees
  • $995 - Over 1000 employees in one or more serviced companies.

When is it sent?
  • FrontLine Employee is E-mailed between the 21-24 each month for the following month's issue.

Can you set up our logo on the newsletter so it looks good?
  • Yes. We' ve done it for hundreds of subscribers and "know" what looks good. There is no charge for this. You should e-mail the artwork as a "jpg." Our email is

Is there an extra charge for logo set up?
  • No, there is no charge for setting up your imprinted information or logo. If we do it every month and send you a "ready to use" PDF, then there is a yearly charge of $100. You can have MS Word or MS Publisher (we suggest you use MS Publisher. It has more capabity and flexibiilty.

Is there an extra charge if you send FrontLine Employee each month as a PDF pre-done with the logo.
  • Yes. It is an added fee of $100 per year.

Which is better, MS Publisher or MS Word?
  • Use MS Publisher. It is easier to use than MS Word, although they both look the same when printed.When you e-mail FrontLine Employee, always create a PDF to send to employees. It will give you a more professsional appearance and those with different computers will see what you sent, with less problems.

Can I get FrontLine Employee in InDesign, Quark, or other graphics programs?
  • No, we only use MS Publisher, MS Word. Few of our subscribers use these programs and sending them to only one or two subscribers makes this idea cost prohibited.

Is there a copyright restriction for FrontLine Employee?
  • Yes. You can use FrontLine Employee freely in your business organization or the businesses you official service if you an EAP provider, employee leasing company, or similiar organization that aggregates customers.

How may employees may I send the newsletter to?
  • There is no limit. The key is this: You may not send FrontLine Employee to companies that you don't officially service. You may not share a subscription with another provider or vendor. You may use copies for testing and marketing purposes however.

How do I request topics and articles.
  • Phone, e-mail, or use the subscriber hot line page. The link is on the sidebar found on the left hand side.

When does the newsletter arrive in hard copy, if we request a hard copy along with the electronic copy?
  • The newsletter takes 3-6 days to reach your office depending on where you live. We mail from Charleston, South Carolina. We are beginning to phase out the sending of a hard copy because few subscribers need it. We have been publishing for 14 years. Initially everyone received a hard copy.

Can I edit content, add my own content, or make other modifications?
  • Yes. That is the KEY PURPOSE of the FrontLine Employee. If you are a professional helper or other expert in employee assistance, you must have the flexibility to modify content and create content if needed.

What "can't I do" with FrontLine Employee?
  • You can't share it with another business organization that you don't service officially or provide it to someone else who should be purchasing it from us. This has happened, and we terminate the subscription and eligibility to renew. You also can't "resell" FrontLine Employee. However, you may charge your business customers a fee to cover the cost of the newsletter and in fact, make a profit off of the newsletter as a service of your company. For example, if you have 50 companies and each is receiving FrontLine Employee from you, charging a fee to cover your costs of distribution and management is permissible. We don't consider this "re-selling" the subscription. You can make FrontLine Employee a profit-making service for your organization -- obviously.

What if I am from Canada or another English-speaking country and articles do not apply to me, or "Americanisms" are present?
  • You should edit the newsletter to fit your needs. You may request replacement articles to fit the space assigned to the article of concern, but we only permit this 2-3 times per year per customer. It is a rare request, but we have no hard and fast rules about it and will attempt to work with you to meet your needs.

Can I get the newsletter in Spanish?
  • Yes. The newsletter is available in Spanish. Sorry, we don't have it in French. The price of the newsletter in Spanish varies based upon your TOTAL employee population. Click here to see the prices for the Spanish version of FrontLine Employee on page 4.)

Who translates FrontLine Employee to Spanish?
  • FrontLine Employee is translated from English to Spanish for Latin America by SDS, International, Inc. We use the highest level of translation where one native born grammarian translates and a second translator proofs the copy of the first translator.

Can I get a Certification that it has been professional translated correctly in Spanish?
  • Yes.

When will my request for an article appear?
  • If you request an article or topic, it will normally appear within 2 issues. If we recently wrote about that topic, we can usually spin the topic again to meet your needs but also the needs of other readers.

Can I replace articles and ask for different subjects?
  • Yes, you may request a different article and we will send a replacement of our choice to match the location of the article being removed. We can't accommodate this request more specifically, but we do allow it up to a three time per year. Each article in the newsletter is written to a specific length and each has an assigned position A though H. (There are eight articles.). We will draw from past articles in prior newsletters, and issues you have never received to deliver this content to you.
  • In the future we will offer the ability to purchase specific articles from our collection but we do not have a date planned for this to commence.

What are the length of articles?
  • Article lengths are 80 to 227 words in length. We have a strong belief in short, punchy, topical articles, not long-winded feature articles most people will not completely read.

How will we renew FrontLine Employee?
  • We will send a renewal notice in the mail. We usually begin sending renewal notices when subscribers have two issues left.

Can I get more than one format? For example, MS Publisher and a PDF?

What if I have email problems and I miss the sending of the newsletter?
  • If you do not have your newsletter in your "Email" in-box by the 25th, phone 1-800-626-4327 to have it resent.

Can I buy the newsletter quarterly or bimonthly and thereby pay less?
  • FrontLine Employee is only sold as a 12 month subscription. However, you can distribute FrontLine Employee less often--bimonthly, quarterly, etc. Simply change the date, frequency, and save or store articles. Some of our subscribers do this and renew every couple years. There is an old saying in marketing--for every month that you don't communicate with your buyers, you lose 10% of the the group to your competitors. Every business must market. Hence, we believe newsletters should be monthly with less content and fewer pages This makes your program more viable and improves utilization.
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